Mission Complete

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His move caught her off guard, but she recovered swiftly. She grabbed one of his wrists and twisted it, jerking him to face the car. Pushing him against it, she hissed into his ear, "I know exactly who you are and what you like to do. Don't even try to deny it. Now, I'm a fair person. So, I'm not going to kill you... yet." With a twist of his wrist, she drew a groan from the man. "Instead, you get a permanent warning." With these words, she drew her blade and with a single motion, slashed an X across his palm. Deep enough to leave a scar but not enough to show bone.

Her words finally began to make sense. He started to explain but stopped when a searing pain stung across his hand. Gasping, he struggled against her. Feeling her grip loosen, he pulled away and stared down at his hand. "What the hell, woman? You're crazy! I haven't done anything wrong!"

She silenced him with a wave of her blade. "I could have killed you... but I'm feeling generous tonight, so you've been spared. However, if I find you've gone back to your little 'hobby,' believe me, I will hunt you, and I will finish the job." She looked into his car and saw the box. "Oh, and let's make sure the temptation is gone." Reaching in, she grabbed his binoculars and set the box in front of his car. "Now get in and start driving."

Knowing she meant business, he stumbled forward, pain fogging his brain. There was no use arguing. He sat down and shifted to drive. As Jax eased off the brake, he could feel the car beginning to crunch the box, and with it, all of his hopes and dreams.

Once satisfied that they were smashed beyond repair, she simply stated, "Call 911, and someone will bring an ambulance out for that wound."

Turning around, Ava strode to her car, wrapping the knife in a towel before tossing it into the backseat. As much as she hated dealing with these situations, she couldn't deny how good it made her feel when she completed one. "Finally, I can make my Alfredo," she smiled and turned up the radio

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