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its towards the end of july now, jeremiahs been teaching me the escort dance which i greatly appreciate. Its far less nerve racking having him teach me. the ball is in 2 weeks. Today it is almost 100 degrees outside, its also the day of the volleyball tournament. Bellys extra competitive this year, given the fact she feels the need to prove herself to those mean girls. Shes still had some problems with them, but theyre kinda scared of shayla so theyve backed off a lot. Its the hottest day of the summer so far, normally wed honestly spend all day in the water or indoors.

I went for a run this morning, then a surf. When i got back belly and jeremiah were awake along with steven and laurel. Shaylas announcing the tournament this year. Bellys charity is for breast cancer research to honor my mom.

"ARE YOU READY TO WINNNN?!" belly shouts at me.

"Yes" i reply laughing


"OKAY!" i yell back.

"Thats more like it. well show those bitches who theyre messing with killa B and connie baby" belly and i do our handshake.

"Look at you two, so sweet and scary" laurel says and we laugh.

"Im gonna pack extra water today. are we all ready to leave?" she asks.

"Yeah we got our shayla peters original shirts on, and our bags packed" belly replies. We take jeremiah and taylor with us in the rover, while laurel goes with steven and shayla in the van.

"I made a sign" jeremiah says.

"thats sweet jere" belly replies.

"Yeah ive learned that cheering is what i do best" he chuckles.

"I was so happy when i got to sub in last time" i tell belly.

When we arrive at the volleyball facility laurel jeremiah taylor and cleveland go to the stands. Belly and i sit on the bench with the other competitors.

"Welcome everyone to the annual deb ball beach volleyball tournament. Id first like to thank all of you for coming on such a warm day. The winner of this tournament will not only get their pledges matched, but this shiny trophy" shayla announces we all clap.

"First up we have team carlee whose charity is the surfers foundation of america. Her opponent is our champion team from 2 summers ago team belly. Best of luck now lets play" shayla snaps her fingers.

A ref comes out for the coin toss, "heads" belly calls out it ends up being heads.

"Yess" i high five her

"they can serve first. youll need the head start" belly looks at them.

"Where do you want me?" i ask her flipping my hair.

"Up youre taller" she replies serious. i start up and carlee serves it straight to belly who hits it towards me, i slam it down. Carlee dives, but its already hit the ground. we do out special handshake. Carlee throws the ball to us.

"You first connie baby, aim for the back corner" belly points her fingers at my eyes.

"Copy that" i smirk.

i spin the ball and throw it up. I hit it as hard as i can to the corner. Neither can react.

"yesss lets go" belly cheers. Carlee and her partner are pretty bad. the scores 20-6 now. one more point, belly and i win. Carlee serves it up, it goes straight to me this time. i hit it up and belly sets it. i hit it over.

Carlees ready though, she blocks it. belly dives for the ball, it goes up i sprint to hit it again, and then belly delivers the final hit over. this one dosent get returned. ref blows the whistle and holds our hands up

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