Reach for my hand

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Jack's POV

I followed Elsa's feet that echoed in the corridor. She was heading to my room. I heard the door slam shut and locked just as I reached the door. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I knocked harder shouting her name but she wouldn't answer.

"Fine, I'll just sit here till you open up." I kept true to my word and 10 minutes later, the door opened to reveal Elsa with tear stains on her face.

I stood up immediately and went closer to her, but she flinched back walking backwards. I was confused but entered my room anyway.

"Elsa, what's wrong?" She looked at me with fear in her eyes and backed up into a wall looking very afraid.

"Jack, y.. you have to stay away from me." she told me looking down.

I shook my head and locked the door so no one would disturb us. I needed to talk to her. I went closer to her, but her head snapped up, "please, don't." she begged, but I didn't stop.

I put a hand out and cupped her cheek taking a look at her face. So hurt, so broken. Then I noticed red marks on her neck and hands.

"Elsa, what's this?" I asked grabbing her hand examining the marks. She gulped but refused to look at me as well as answer. I took her face in my hands and made her look at me, I felt something wet on my hands, she was crying.

I sighed and pulled her into a hug which she gladly accepted. I just wanna know what's wrong.

Elsa's POV

When I ran into a blue room, I locked the door unaware of the stranger behind me. When interned around, I felt someone hold my neck and push me against a wall.

"I see my master visited you? Listen sweet cheeks, you tell anyone, i'll make your life a living hell.

I shot ice at him and made a run for the door, but he was quick to recover and jumped me slamming me to the floor, I winced in pain as he grabbed my wrists making me wince.

"And don't think I don't know what happened with Frosty boy. I will hurt your friends and him if you don't do what I say understand?"

I nodded but kept trying to get out of the man's grasp but the more I struggled the tighter the grip. At one point I cried out in pain, but the man slammed a hand over my mouth, "let Frost in, don't say anything about this and make him think you're alright."

The next thing that happened was that he injected something into my arm, "you disobey me or my master, you will feel a burning sensation in you're arm, go it?"

I nodded and he let go of me. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, the man was gone. I hesitantly got up and opened the door for Jack.

He stood up and tried to get close to me, but because of what had just happened, I flinched even though I knew that he would never inttentiouly hurt me, but I don't wanna hurt him.

"Elsa, what's wrong?" He asked stepping closer to me, but I just backed up again hitting the wall. I told him to stay away from me, but he kept advancing. He put his hands on my face but then grabbed my wrists making me wince inside.

"Elsa? What's this?" I refused to answer, but he just wrapped his arms around me and I gladly returned to embrace needing someone to hold me.

Jack's POV

She's so broken, so lost. I pulled away and she put her head down, but I needed to say a few words. (A/N more than a band lemonade mouth.)

I can't pretend, to know no you feel, but know that I'm here,

Know that I'm real.

I lifted her chin up with my finger so she was looking at me.

Say what you want, or don't talk at all.

I'm not gonna let you fall.

I stretched out my hand. hoping she would take it.

Reach for my hand cause it's held out for you,

My shoulders are small but you can cry on them too,

She took my hand and I started to sway a bit

Everything changes but one thing is true understand,

I'll be by your side as your friend.

I placed a hand on her hips while she put one on my shoulder while I held her other hand dancing a bit quicker and happier.

You used to brave the world all on your own,

Now I won't let you go, at it alone.

She smiled sadly at me and I quickly wiped a tear from her face.

Be who you wanna be always stand tall,

I'm not gonna let you fall.

I dipped her, but I didn't let go an brought her up.

Reach for my hand cause it's held out for you,

My shoulders are small, but you can cry on the too.

I twirled her and she put her head against my chest.

Everything changes but one thing is true understand.

I'll be by your side as your friend.

I dipped her once again as I finished the song, and stared into her eyes as I listened to her beautiful voice sing

I never knew you could take me so far

I've always wanted the world that you are.

She stared into my eyes and I into hers.

The one that I need.

As she was slowly ending, we both began to sing a chorus happier and louder than we have before.

Reach for my hand cause it's held out for you,

My shoulders are small, but you can cry on them too.

I twirled her and she came back to me, my are around her and her back leaning on me with her head on my chest.

Everything changes but one thing is true understand

I'll/you'll be by your/my side as a friend.

I stared into her eyes and wiped the last tears off her cheek. I don't know what took over me, but I found myself slowly leaning closer.

She put an arm around my neck and placed her hand on my chest, my hands went to her hips and I slowly pulled her closer getting lost in her eyes but soon moving mine to her lips.

She followed my gaze to mine and I put a hand to the back of her neck.

One more move and I can't go back. I thought to myself.

"F*ck not going back." I muttered in a rush and slammed my lips against her. She kissed back holding my cheek as I ran my fingers through her platinum hair.

We broke apart for air and as I was panting, I looked at the dazzling girl before me. I stroked and cupped her cheek as she nuzzled it into my hand.

Then we were interrupted by a knock at the door.


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