I was......... I am

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Elsa's POV

I was tired. I was hungry. I was thirsty. It's been weeks, and everyday it's the same. Some food or water put next to me, "join us Elsa, then you can have as much as you want," and I always reply the same. Shaking my head and it's taken from me.

I think I've run out of tears.

I'm emotionless, I'm not stupid.

But I'm scared. I'm scared for my friends. I'm scared for their safety, I'm scared for their health, I'm scared for their sanity.

How are they without me? Am I missed? Or are they happy that I'm out of their lives? That they don't have to worry about me hurting them?

I was still curled up against the wall, I had refused food once again, I'm weak, I'm tired, but whenever I try to sleep, there's always a whip my way. A burst of sand. Or a nightmare that wakes me up. The door opened and light streamed in making it so I could see Pitch's face.

"I don't mean to starve you Elsa, but it's a compromise, we give you food, you give us something in return, but for now, take this, then we go and meet someone who has missed you dearly."

Pitch threw some bread at me and left abruptly letting the darkness consume me once again. I found my way to the bread and gently nibbled it. It was stale, but I could live with that. I ate it slowly savoring the taste as much as I could.

Not a minute later, Pitch came back and grabbed my arm ruffly dragging me out of the cell. The light hit me and I closed my eyes, it burned. My legs were wobbly and I felt like they were going to buckle any moment.

When I felt like I was going to collapse, Pitch shoved me into another room, but unlike the other, I knew I wasn't alone.

I tried to stand up, but something grabbed my leg pulling me back down.

"Stay with me girl. You must stttttaaaaay."

I gulped and tried to get out of the vice like grip, but it was no use, "who are you?"

"Cruella. Cruella De Vill." I felt nails dig into my skin and break it whimpering, I kept trying to pull back.

"Who are you child? My next fashion design."

"My name is Elsa." I began to shake. I had heard of this woman. She tried to kidnap around 100 dalmatian puppies to make a new fashion line.

I suddenly felt my self falling and someone grabbed my wrists, I made the face out to be a woman with black and white hair, her skin was wrinkled and pale, but what caught me most, was the blood shot eyes and blood making it's way down her face.

"Don't trust the wind that blows in the summer, don't trust the flowers that bloom in the spring, don't trust the leaves that fall in the autumn and especially, DON'T trust the winter where snowflakes falls. Trust no one."

Before I could respond, that crazy lady bit into my leg making me scream, she broke the skin and pulled away, "ahhh, lovely colour for clothes don't you think?"

She reached for my keg again, but I was smart enough to dodge her, "This woman's crazy!!! Let me out!!!"

Cruella snarled and lunged for me, "the people you've abandoned, the people you love, will come crashing down as the circle ends, every season dies, as does every brother..."



Is she talking about -

"Cruella, enough!!!" She shrieked like a vampire when the light touched her skin and she went back to the corner, "beware my child, the light is never always bright, and the darkness may be lighter than you believe."

Pitch grabbed my arm and got me out of the cell, but when he tried to pull me along, my knees buckled and my leg stung.

"Get up!"

"I can't. She bit into my leg." I looked down at it and for the first time saw the true damage. My leg had a big long gash in the side of it. I think I threw up in my mouth. What did that woman have in her mouth, metal fangs?!?!

Even Pitch gasped at my leg. I held a hand up to my mouth and gulped, "Pitch, who was that?"

"That my child, was your mother."

I frozen. I wasn't crying. I wasn't happy. I wasn't angry. I was just emotionless. I was numb. I can't feel my bod. I can't feel the ground when I crash against it. I can't hear the voices of the people around me, and I can barely see their faces. My mind is blank.

I don't feel anything only allowing a small tear to drift from my face onto the cold floor.

Someone picked me up, but at the time i didn't know. Someone took me to a new room, but I didn't know which one. A hand treated my wound, but I didn't know who it belonged to.

All I knew, was that one moment, there was something.

Then nothing.

A/N Hi guys, I'm sorry that I've left this sooo late, but I don't know what's happening to me, I just can't write like I used to, whenever I try to write, I just can't. I'm always distracted or want to do something else.

Anyway, I hope you guys can understand and hope you guys like the chapter.

Thank you all for being here to support me. Especially since my terrible books at the beginning.

Nicegirl334455 :) ;) :) ;)

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