New Options Are Revealed

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"You've been keeping secrets from me, hm?"

Back at the office, Makima was looking through the reports of Kobeni Higashiyama's recent mission, more specifically looking at a picture of when she turned into a large tiger creature, which she did look at with interest.

"N-Not on purpose! I-I just found out today I can do that!"

Kobeni was quickly and desperately trying to defend herself while also explaining what had just happened, which made her boss hum in response.

"Hm, you're not the type to lie to me, and I doubt you would keep this kind of secret from me for so long..."

Makima seemed to believe Higashiyama, which made her relax a little, but it wasn't enough to erase her suspicion completely.

"But that still doesn't explain how you transformed into that beast, unless you really did make some kind of deal with some Devil behind our backs?"

When Makima once again accuses her Devil Hunter, she quickly shakes her head again and tries to deny it, though when she did this, the Boss noticed that her collar necklace was shaking around her employee's neck, which made her narrow her eyes a bit.

"Kobeni, touch your necklace."

Makima placed her reports on the desk and now looked at Higashiyama with all of her attention and interest.

"H-Huh? Why?"

Kobeni, still worried, but now also confused, as she didn't understand why her boss was asking this of her.

"Just do it."

Makima narrowed her red-yellow swirly eyes at the Devil Hunter, who flinched in response.


Not wanting to anger the boss any further, Kobeni nervously reached out for her necklace's collar, pressing the hourglass symbol on it. A bright white flash shone everywhere, blinding everyone for a moment.


But after the light died down, the boss was able to see the results of the white flash, and that resulted in Kobeni transforming into a large feminine werewolf creature, with the suit and hairpin somehow.

'Not the same creature from the picture.'

Makima glanced down at the picture, when her employee turned into a large tiger girl.

'However, it does have the same symbol, interesting.'

But even with the clear difference, Makima was able to look at Higashiyama, who was currently freaking out from becoming a monster, and saw that both now and in the picture, had the same symbols, locations were different but still the same overall.

'So it was her collar that gave her this Shape-Shifting ability.'

Makima then got up from her desk and decided to walk up to the monstrous werewolf, admiring its form and what had been done to actually change it.

'And it's not done or made by Devil, I would've sense it if that was the case.'

Makima took a closer look at the device, which looked simple but had an intricate design, and it was able to accomplish a lot.

'This is definitely a rare fine indeed~'

Makima couldn't help but now wearing a very interested and eager grin.

"I-I knew this thing would g-give me nothing but trouble!..."

As the Boss took a keen interest in what was happening, Kobeni couldn't help but hide her face behind her claws and started crying, clearly not understanding what was going on and why it had to happen to her.

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