Topnotch Topknot

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"So this is our target, Captain Kobeni?"

In some kind of abandoned factory building, a large hive nest, which seemed to be made entirely from living flesh and human body parts, could be seen standing at the center of the area. Over a dozen, possibly hundreds of bee or wasp-like Devils surrounded their home, either to protect it or add more human corpses to make their hive bigger. It was definitely such a grotesque and terrifying sight to witness, and unfortunately for a certain trio-specifically Kobeni Higashiyama, Aki Hayakawa, and Denji-they were forced to watch the whole thing with mixed but mostly negative reactions.

"I-I mean, Miss Makima said t-the Devil we would be h-hunting was a Wasp type, o-or was it a Bee?"

Kobeni nodded in confirmation to Hayakawa's questions about what type of devil they would be hunting, though it didn't really fill her with excitement to deal with them either way, no matter the classification.

"Ugh, I always hated dealing with those little stinging fucks back when I was kid, nearly died from the stings."

Denji couldn't help but stick his tongue out in disgust, clearly not really eager to relive his past agony, but was ready to kill them so that he could forget.


Aki could only give the Devil Human a side eye glare, before looking back at his Captain.

"How should we handle them?"

When Aki asked for the specifics from his lead, she could help but tense up and wear a slightly nervous expression.


Kobeni couldn't help but feel very stressed out, as she struggled to think of something on the spot for their mission. However, once she felt her collar around her neck while thinking, she couldn't help but suddenly be inspired and thought of something that might fit the task at hand.

"O-Oh! I got the right monster for the job!"

Kobeni, now feeling a bit more confident about her situation, quickly messed with her collar, twisting the dial a few times to switch between her so-called monsters, which showed up through holograms, until she found the one she was looking for. She then pressed the dial and in a flash of white light she transformed into a humanoid black and white moth creature, wings spread, and took to the sky.


Kobeni, now in a transformation known as Mothra, took a deep breath and let out a stream of frost from her mouth towards the many Wasp Devils, who had just enough time to notice her before being completely frozen solid in ice.

"I-I'll freeze as many Wasps a-as I can, you two j-just stay close to me!"

Both of Mothra's teammates understood what they needed to do, as the trio then got out of their hiding spots and went towards the hive nest, where more disgusting Wasp Devils came out from their fortress. The Moth Kobeni was the main MVP in the team, as she would continue to use her ice breath to freeze as many Wasp Devils as she could before they got too close. But for the few that did get close, she was still able to counterattack, either physically (like punching, kicking) or just simply rip them apart with her bare hands. She could also use her other abilities that came with the transformation, like becoming intangible and letting the Wasp Devils fly through her body, not only causing them to miss but sometimes sting their own allies, and slowly become frozen in the process. Though as the Transformed Higashiyama took the full force of the Wasp Devils, both of her partners acted as her support: the Hybrid, who hasn't transformed this time, used his axe and hammer weapon to deal with all the frozen Wasp Devils, killing them before they could break out of the ice; while Hayakawa made sure to deal with all the Wasp Devils that managed to avoid getting frozen, using a mixture of excellent marksmanship of his gun and the amazing skills he was able to show off when he used the stingers of his enemies to either stab or cut down the Wasp Devils to size. The Trio were a nearly perfect combo, taking down and killing many Wasp Devils as they can, before finally reaching the main nest, where the collared creature used her ice breath to completely freeze the hive, allowing her blonde partner to use his weapon to destroy and break the entire thing, revealing a very horrifying sight of the Queen of these Wasp Devils, who was much bigger and disgusting compared to the rest, as it continuously lays eggs and makes more Wasp Devils soldiers.

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