The Pit Of Eternal Struggles

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"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean t-to get us t-trap here!"

In one of the rooms of the hotel, Kobeni Higashiyama could be seen sitting on one of the beds inside the room, as she was crying a lot and feeling absolutely terrible about the situation she found herself in.

"I-I'm a h-horrible leader, I-I should've done better..."

And as Kobeni continues to sob in self-hate and guilt, blaming herself for making such a mistake, two of her teammates, specifically Denji and Power, were doing everything to cheer her up.

"H-Hey, it's alright, it's not your fault, you didn't know this would happen."

Denji was doing everything he could to let Higashiyama know it was not her fault.

"Tis right, it was Denji's wrongdoing, most likely, definitely his fault."

While Power was doing everything she could to blame someone else, specifically blaming Denji for it.

"Look, I'm sure we'll find a way, I promise."

"Yeeeeeeah, about that."

But as Denji and his Blood Devil were trying to cheer up the Deviltrix host, the sound of the door opening caught everyone's attention, as they all looked and saw both Himeno and Aki Hayakawa entering the room, both not seeming to be pleased in the situation.

"D-Did you find a way out?"

Kobeni looked hopeful that the two Devil Hunters found something yet.

"We've scouted the entire area in hopes of finding an exit, unfortunately with all the same results."

Though as soon as Aki begins to explain what he found, or the lack of finding anything that resembles escape, it does nothing but dash the remaining hope of the Collared Humans.

"Whatever Devil trapped us here, has both sealed us away from our home dimension and put us in some kind of endless loop, no matter if we go up or down the stairs, how many doors or windows we open, or even crawling through the ceiling or vents, we always end up on this floor."

Aki continues to talk about what he experienced in his search, mostly him going through a loop of both exploring and emotional frustration and confusion.

"Luckily, the water still works, plus we found some leftover food from our search, so we can survive for a little while, but-"

"W-We're still trapped here..."

But before Aki could finish giving his report, Kobeni was able to understand and sum up the entire situation.

"I-It's my fault... All m-my fault..."

Unfortunately, that only resulted in Kobeni feeling even worse than before. She began to break down and let out more tears from her guilt and sorrow-filled eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I'm so very s-sorry..."

Most of the group members didn't know how to deal with Kobeni when she was like this, as they didn't know what to say or do to make her feel better and not blame herself while still being trapped in the endless loop of imprisonment.

"Hey! Just because we didn't find a way out yet, doesn't mean there isn't one, we just gotta keep searching!"

Though Himeno still did her best, quickly sitting next to her and gave her the biggest hug she could give, as well as trying to shower her with as much positivity as possible.

"You Two! Go find us an exit and don't come back until you find something that will make Kobeni stop crying!"

As well as Himeno ordering both the Devils to continue the search, which made them hesitate because they didn't want to listen to her, but seeing how Higashiyama was suddenly filled them with both motivation and determination.

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