Confrontation & Communication

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Confrontations can be so hard on you.

Can be so bad for you, even.

Sure, maybe the issue gets resolved, but at the end of the day..

You still feel as if you've lost a part of that absolute and irrevocable trust that you used to have in each other. Trust that you'll always be faithful and loyal and caring, that all those promises of forever and a day are not merely empty words with no real conviction of choice. That you'll always put the other first, and care for the other as you did in that first big MOMENT that you shared. That first spark of emotional connect, a happy squeal of your heart at having found its kindred spirit. Trust that you'll always sort things out, no matter how big or small. 


Trust that it'll never come to this. And yet here we are. 

Such a brittle thing, trust. 

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