Chapter Two

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I opened my eyes from being tapped by someone. I looked at the person and realized it was Blake.

" Were at the Art Museum. "

He said fixing my hair once I lifted my head up from his lap. Everyone on the bus started standing up and heading to the exit. All of the 8th graders were standing around talking till Principal Ross spoke, well yelled.

" 8th grade ! All of you need to split into groups. You need to have five students in each group. After you have your group go look for our 8th grade parent chaperon standing over by the buses. " 8th grade did as we were told. Blake and I found Ashley and Jacob standing alone in the crowd. They only made us a group of four. I looked around for a person standing alone with no one around. At first I couldn't find anyone till i saw an unfamiliar and a quit unusual looking girl standing alone in a corner of the crowd. I pushed threw the ground till i got to where i was standing in front of her.

" Hey. Do you have a group yet ? "

She looked at me shyly. I could tell there was some nervousness hidden inside her.

" N-no. "

" Well, do you want to be apart of my group ? "

" Uh....sure I guess. "

Both of us pushed back threw the crowd together till I found Blake and his red ' Drizzy Drake ' beanie stand out and walked over to him.

" Now we have a group of five. "

" Cool. Are you new or something ? I haven't seen you around school. "

Ashley asked. Heaven nodded looking down a bit. Man, one day with our bunch this girl will be totally kicked out of her shyness bubble.

" You don't look like your from Cali'. What's your name purple ends ? "

Okay, because of Jacob maybe two or three days.

" My name is H-heaven. I just moved here from Georgia. "

" Georgia ! My home state. "

Jacob said holding his fist at Heaven. She touched it with her pointer finger as if it were infected or something. Maybe four or five days. Six at the most to break this girl. I wonder if her purple hair has to do with her shyness ? I don't see how it couldn't.

" Heaven that is Jacob, Ashley, Blake and I'm Mia ! "

" Blake, hurry and find a chaperon before all the cool ones are taken ! I don't want to have a rude one. "

Ashley ordered. Blake nodded then jogged off towards the buses and came back five minuets later with a man taller than him by almost four inches.

" Everyone this is Jaden. Jaden that is Ashley, Jacob, Heaven, Mia and I'm Blake. "

"Hello everyone ! Follow me into the museum. "

He said as he was leading us into the entrance of the museum and begging to show us around.


It was now lunch and today we get to have Domino's pizza ! My group grabbed some pizza and sat together at one table. Jaden decided to sit with the other chaperons at other picnic table.

" Are you guys going to the basketball this Friday to see Blake and I play ? "

Jacob asked.

" Mia and I are for sure going. Are you going too, Heaven ? "

" I don't know. I'll see if i can go or not. "


" Guys we leave in 10 minuets ! Lets go now ! "

I pretty much yelled across from Blake and Jacob. They thought it would be a good idea to ditch JAden and go down a dark hall that said " Danger. Do not enter ! ". Knowing boys, they don't listen so they walked right on in without a care in the world. A loud scretch started to play killing all of our ears while matching all of our screams. Ashley, Heaven and I started running down the hall holding our ears to get to the end of the hall then head to the buses. We all managed to get to the buses in time and hoped on getting back into the seats we were sitting at from before.

" Next time, if you and Jacob ever decide to go down a dangerous hallway again. I am ditching you guys. "

I said trying to make my hears stop ringing.

" You can't do that. "

" Why can't I ? "

" I would go after you. Then I'll trip you for karma. "

" I'll slapp you for karma. "

" Nevermind about tripping you. "

Both if us laughed then it got quite, until Blake spoke again.

" Hey....uh Mia ? "

" Yeah ? "

" Are you doing anything after your practice tonight ? "

" No why ? "

" I was wondering if you would want to come over to my house and you Xbox and stuff ? "

I sat there and thought about the offer. This seemed to come off as unfamiliar. Trust me, I've over Blake's house a number of times, but this time it seemed kind of off. When he usually asked me to come over it would be a simple question. Not him dragging it out and sounding quite. He usually gets straight to the point on everything. Now that I've thought about it.....every time he talks to me he either talks a lot or studder and drag everything out making it seem like he wanted to talk to me longer than he usually does. Maybe I should just forget about it.

" Sure ! "

" Okay cool. My mom will drive I'll text her later. "

" Cool with me. "


I walked off the bus and jogged into the school with Blake along with the rest 8th grade. Both of us hurried to our lockers. I opened mine taking both bags out with my skateboard. Suddenly, Blake phone when off.

" Ashley texted me saying that her mom is here and that she is in the front of the carline "

" Okay let's go. "

Both of us shut our lockers and rushed out to the back of the school where carline is held. When we walje doubt the doors, I immediately spotted Ashley's mom red Dodge Nirto. Both of us ran to it and I circled around and got in on the left side. Mrs.Mist drove out of the line and started driving.

" Mom just go ahead and head to Ürth Caffé. "

Mrs.Mist nodded and turned right. I so can't wait to drink a chocolate banana shake !

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