Chapter Three

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Mrs. Mist pulled into a front row parking spot at Ürth Caffé and parked the car. Everyone started to file out when I reached for my door it doesn't open. I'm not that stupid, the door isn't locked. A beep went off meaning Mrs.Mist locked the car. Why won't lock ! Emily, Ashley's little sister, must sit on this side and Mrs.Mist must have set it on safety lock. I would've been out by now of Mrs.Mist didn't lock the car. I could of crawled over and got out, but there is also all our brick weight bags that were in the way. Yes, I can open the door but the alarm would go off. I know I can get out. Think Mia think. Your a problem solver you can get out of a locked car what other ways are there ? Suddenly, the door swings open and Blake is standing there. Can't solve without a little bit of Blake power right ? I hoped out the car.

" Forgot to tell you safety lock was on that side. "

He flipped a switch on the side of the door and shut it locking the car after.

" Thanks. "

" Welcome ! "

Blake opened the door for me and showed me where the table they were sitting at was. Both of us sat down beside each other in the booth.

" What took you 5 years to come in ? "

" I didn't know that door on the left side was on safety lock turned on, then Blake came and took it off. "

" Oh right. I totally forgot to tell you. Well, we already ordered. I got you a chocolate banana shakes just like mine, but with banana slices inside. "

" Thanks ash ! "

" Order number 27. "

I volunteered myself to get the shakes, so I got up and walked to the register.

" Order 27 ? "

The young guy asked.

" Yes. "

He got the tray of drinks and began calling them out.

" Two chocolate banana shakes, kiwi apple smoothie, and a banana smoothie with extra banana. "

He handed me all the drinks; I tried my best to hold all of them,but holding 4 drinks isn't has easy as holding three. Suddenly, he took two drinks away from.

" I'll help you. Where's your table ? "

" Over there in the corner. A girl with red tips is sitting at. "

I said trying my best not to point and end up dropping the drinks. He caught on and we started walking towards the table slowly.

" So, how old are you ? "

" I will be 14 soon. How about you ? "

" I will be turning 15 in a couple of weeks. Your tall for a girl who is 13. What sport do you do. Basketball ? "

Really ? I thought i was quite short.

" No, I do gymnastics. I guess you play football. "

" Woah ! Haha how did you know ? Are you sidekick ? "

" Haha. No, your football phone case is sticking out of your pocket. "

He looked down and laughed. Finally, we had gotten to my table and we sat the drinks down. Before I could go back to my seat i felt the guy touch my shoulder causing me to turn around.

" Uh, I was wondering if I could get your number and maybe we could chat later. "

He probably just wants a new friend. Nothing wrong with that, right ?

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