Chapter 30: Party Plan Pt.2

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Radio Announcer:
Due to the rainstorm some roads are under traffic control and are closed. All citizen are advised to stay indoors until further notice...

The news report continues to stress the severity of the heavy rainfall. You sit on the floor before the couch and let out a big sigh.

Make sure to sigh a lot, okay? Only your carbon dioxide can fight against this frigid air.

Rafayel suddenly pops up in front of you with a milk in his hand. Taking the warm milk, you look up at him. You barely hide your disappointment as you down the drink in one go.

We went through the trouble of decorating the living room for the party... It was all for nothing, and now this rainfall... whatever...trapped us here.

...You make it sound like my home is some sort of prison.

Rafayel looks around with disagreeing look. He then bends down, ruffles your hair with a hint of resignation in his voice.

I know it sucks when things don't meet your expectations, but who knows how long this rain will last.

He put both of his hands on his hips.

If you keep this up, everything will really be put to waste.

Rafayel sits on the couch and the sinking cushions pulls your head towards him. Feeling a gentle thug on your hair, you think it caught in something. Bit as you reach up to untangle it, your fingers brush against a warmth something.

Out of the twinkle of your eye, Rafayel twirls a lock on your hair that fallen unto his knee. Unlike you, he doesn't seem to be bored. He actually seems to be enjoying the tranquility.

...Don't tell me I was the only one excited about the party?

Who says I wasn't? It could've been worse, though.

Rafayel looks at you.

A party can't be consider a failure just because there aren't a lot of people. We have each other, yeah?

You look at him with a blank face.

Just you and me...Even though it sucks, we should stick to the plan.

He winked.

The party is about to start. Is our guest planning to join in on the fun?

... It's not impossible... Let me get off the floor first... And can you let go of my hair?

Sure, but can you let go of my hand first.

You look at where your hand is. It was Rafayel's hands that you are touching. It's warm and soft. You quickly remove your hand and stand up. Your hair slide through Rafayel's fingers.

The lights in the room dim. The cozy atmosphere enhances the tantalizing aroma of cake and red wine wafting through the air.

Can this be really a party with only us?

Rafayel thinks for a while. Then smile.

You're right! It's a date then.

Those two...those two are different things!

Rafayel slides the freshly cut piece of cake to you, then hands you a glass of fine wine. He then raise his glass in your direction.

Here's our revelry amidst the the rain.

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