Chapter 2 - Deep blue tears

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Chapter 2 - Deep blue tears

The love we feel for someone, it doesn't matter how far away it flutters. Ultimately, it will come back to love again.

He parted from Mueangnan...

He parted from Mueangnan, but he never acknowledged it.

Nuea Nakin walked till he reached his destination late in the afternoon, after sitting on a back-breaking old bus for many hours and spending the entire day taking impressive photographs. The village was not reached by the railway, there was no electricity, no phone signal. The boy was completely cut out from the rest of the world.

The shortcut was around the mountain and he waited until the time came to leave as usual.

In the evening, he walked around the road covered in mud to go to the market. Over there, were many unusual foods he had never tasted before in his entire life. Nuea felt that it must be the profit for following Nan's dream that he used to draw, every place his feet stepped on was a new land he had never seen.

He had met friendliness and welcoming, and many smiles. Luckily, he had brought with him food and the hospitality of the villagers of that neighborhood. Of course, he was the first foreigner they had around them in many years, who paid a visit to that village.

The village that had been forgotten just like its name.

The time spent during the journey went by quickly. He came to when the sun had already hidden below the horizon. He searched for something to eat in his big backpack a few minutes after finishing setting up his small tent.

He kept the three following days for himself, before gathering his supplies and wandering to a new place. Which was of course already planned out in his head.

He didn't know why he had to do that. At the beginning he only wanted to follow Mueangnan's dream. But weirdly... he had never stopped anywhere. Whenever he felt affection or happiness in a place, his brain would order him to walk away from the things he loved. There was no reason for that nor explanation that could be put into words.

He never got sick, not even a minor illness.

He didn't know why he had to keep walking. He only knew that he had to and that took him back to his starting point, to the same place. He went back to see his mother...

The only thing was, his mother was not there anymore. The only person he could go back to was Mueangnan.

Next to the tall body was a small oil lamp. In his hands he had a cheap Polaroid camera. He raised it to his eyes and pressed the shutter once. Then a white sheet slided out. He took it in his hand and flung it briefly until he could see a clear image. That image made the lips of his corner twitch, afraid he would burst into laughter.

He could see nothing but darkness.

Even though he had intended to take a picture of the horizon, he must have had the lamest sight in the world.

The expensive camera and expensive lenses that were lying inside the tent would have done the trick much better than his cheap camera, but he had resolved that he wouldn't use it, so the freshly taken picture became a message to someone, together with a message written behind the photograph.

November, 18th

There are no birds to be seen flying at night... Someone said that if we were birds, we could fly anywhere we wanted to. We'd be free and could do anything that pleased us. We'd break the rules, fly endlessly. But in reality, that person forgot something. No bird is free. They still have to go back to their nest every evening after their adventure in the big world.

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