At Home with BTS PT.1

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I moved to my right and surprisingly it felt comfy and soft."Last night I slept on the could it be so soft and comfy like a bed now?"I asked myself.I opened my eyes and I was shocked that I'm on the bed.I sat up straight and scanned the room."Where am I?"I asked again."You're in my room."I turned to my left to see Jungkook coming out of his bathroom with his bathrobe on.Shit!Did he do something to me?!Why am I in his room?! "W-why am I here?D-did you do something to me?"I asked,panicked."Last night you were sleep walking and you entered my room and I didn't do anything to you so please don't be too overacting."he explained.Thank god.."Now will you please go out of my room,I want to put on my clothes..unless.."he looked at me."You want to see me putting my clothes on."he smirked."I-I'll go."I quickly stood up and ran to my room.I can hear him laughing right now.

I took my bath and dressed up.I went out and walked downstairs.I found him,eating his toast while looking at his phone."Hi."I greeted him."Oh..Hi!You want some?"he showed me the toast."Sure."I answered."Go and make it yourself."he said and laughed.I gave him a death glare before I walked to the kitchen."Tch,yesterday he was nice today he's an annoying freak.."I mumbled to myself.I made myself some toast and a cup of coffee.I walked back to the living room where Jungkook was and sat across him.I placed my plate on the table and at a speed of a lightning,Jungkook took one of my toast."Yah!You should go and make it yourself!"I hit his hand."My wife made it already so I should eat it right?"he said as he wriggled his eyebrows."Shaish!I hate you!"I shouted at him."Aww..I love you too!"he said sarcastically."You got me this time,Jungkook.Just you wait for my revenge."I warned him."Okay!I'll wait for it,Ah Ra..I really anticipate for it."he replied.

" the way,my friends are here today.They're going to visit us.Are you fine with it?"he asked.Time for revenge../evils laugh/ It's 5 pm now,Jungkook's friends should arrive soon.(KNOCK!KNOCK!)
"Jungkoooookkk!!"I heard someone called for him."Kookie!Kookie!I guess your friends are here."I shook him."You don't have to act cute like that okay?You're not cute."he said amd walked to the door.When did I act cute?I just called his name..psh..

"Wah!!Jungkook's house is so big!"

"Jungkook-ah!Ask your omma to buy one big house for us too!"

"Hyung,you should stop,okay?"Jungkook replied.

I went to the door to meet them."Anneonghaesayo."I bowed to his 6 friends.",you're Jungkook's wife?'re so beautiful!"one of them answered."Quit playing,hyungs.She's mine."Jungkook said.My heart beats faster when he said that."Come in,have a seat."I invited them in.I smiled to them and introduced myself."I'm Kim Ah Ra."I bowed again."Annyeong,Ah Ra!I'm Kim Seokjin.Just call me Jin."The handsome man said."I'm Min Yoongi,call me Suga."the palest one said."I'm your hope,I'm your angel,I'm Jhope."the other one introduced himself in a very..dramatic way I guess?"He did it again..whatever,wassup!I'm Rap Monster."okay,this one is cool."Annyeong!"the next one greeted."I'm Taehyung.Call me V.Nice to meet you."he ended his sentence with a very wide smile.He's cute.The last one began introducing himself."Anneonghaesayo,I'm Jimin.Nice to meet you."he smiled.Those eye smile though..I can't even see his eyes..haha..

"Okay..nice to meet you all too!"I said."It's okay..take your time."I guess that was Jin who spoke."You're Jin-ssi?Right?"I pointed at him."Correct!You recognise me already.Good!"he made a thumbs up."Hyungs,I feel like a statue standing here.None of you turned to look at me..even Jimin hyung didn't look at me."he said."That's what you get from rejecting me,Jungkook."Jimin stucked his toungue out."Now,I like Ah Ra."Jimin looked at me and smiled."Ah Ra,just to let you know Jimin loves to show his love to Jungkook since he's the youngest in the group but Jungkook always rejected Jimin's,yeah.."Rap Mon explained.

LOL..this boys are all funny and dorky."I understand that.."I chuckled."Hobi is hungry.Hobi is hungry!"Jhope did an aegyo which could melt girls heart.
"Yah!You ate a burger before coming here then why are you hungry?"asked Yoongi."I'm just hungry..can't help it."Jhope answered."Jin hyung!Make something for us..please.."Taehyung asked."Okay..what do you want to eat?"Jin asked."Anything you cook.."answered Jimin."Jungkook,do you have anything to cook?"Jin asked."Ah Ra should know."Jungkook looked at me.I looked at him and he used his eyes to signal me that I should go and check the kitchen."I-I'll check."I stood up and went to the kitchen."We have enough ingredients to make food!"I yelled from the kitchen."Do you want to help me cook?"Jin was standing next to me." what are you going to make?"I asked."Hm..I'm going to make my best dish I've ever cook for them."Jin clasped his hand."You can cook?"I asked."Yes..I'm the chef in the group."he smiled.

"So,let's start!"I said excitedly."Before that..Jin-ssi,can you do me a favor?"I asked him."Sure..what is it?"he nodded his head."Can we like..pretend to be..sweet with each other?Not for real but just an act."I told my plan to him."Ah..Arrasso..I'll do my best but..this is for?"he asked."My revenge for Jungkook..he annoys me the whole day."I said.He chuckled and shook his head." kids..I wish I'm in my 10s like you guys..ha.."Jin spoke."Hyung!Are you done?!"I heard Taehyung asked."Ani!Just wait will you?Watch the tv or something."Jin replied.We started cooking and sometimes we would tease each other which gained Jungkook's attention."Ah Ra,taste this."Jin said loud enough for Jungkook to look at us.I opened my mouth and tasted the soup."It's so yummy!Jin oppa!Daebak!"I made a thumbs up and Jin patted my head.

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