Take A Break,Kookie

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It's been 2 months since we're married and these days,Jungkook has been so busy with his work as the CEO in his family's company.I'm worried because he doesn't have enough rest and he always got home late.A part of me feels guilty towards him because he's the only one working while I'm just at home.That's his own fault for not letting me work.He said that I just have to be a housewife and take care of the house.I called my mother in law.

"Omma,it's me Ah Ra..How are you?"
"Ah Ra,I'm fine..how are you and Jungkook?"
"Both of us are fine too..omma,can I request something?"I asked.
"Nae,what is it?"
"Um..can Jungkook..take a break from his work?"I said awkwardly.I heard she giggled from the other line.
"You can just ask from him,Ah Ra..He's the CEO now.."she said."Oh,arrasso..gomawo omma."I thanked her."Ne,yah..are you pregnant?You sound so weak."omma said which surprised me."A-aniyo..I'm just tired after cleaning the house."I answered."Oh..I thought you were pregnant..when am I going to play with my grandchildren?"she asked all of the sudden."Omma..I'll think about it."I replied to avoid more question."Don't think too much..just be quick."she said and giggled."Omma.."I said shyly."Aigoo..I made my daughter in law shy..Mianhe..I can't hold my feelings."she continued."Gwenchana,omma.I'll go now.Annyeong."I ended the call.

Should I take him to a vacation?What if he's mad?Hmm...Suddenly,someone knocked on the door."Wa-wait!"I rushed out from my room and run downstairs.Who could this be?It's impossible if Jungkook is home by this time.It's 2pm.I opened the door and I looked at the person infront of me."I know I'm good looking but please stop looking at me like I'm a stranger or something."It was Jungkook.He entered the house after pushing me away."Why are you home this early?"I asked him as I closed the door."Can't I go home?"he questioned while switching on the air cond."It's so hot."he sat on the couch while pulling his tie off.He looks so hot.Damn it,why am I thinking like this? I shook my head and sat across him."It's just..weird."I answered."Do you want anything?"I asked."I want an Orange juice..and please put lots of ice in it."he said and closed his eyes.I went to the kitchen and took his drink."Here."I put the glass down and sat down.He just stayed silent probably he's sleeping right now."Yah,wake up and take your shower.."I shook his body but still he's not awake.Suddenly,I remembered Jin oppa techniques to wake him up.Should I use that?Later he'll think I'm a pervert...but that's the only way..uh..I stood in front of him and I was hesitant at first but for the sake of waking him up,I did it.I pinched his nipples and his eyes were wide open."Yah,byuntae!"he shouted."I'm just waking you up,okay and I'm not a byuntae."I moved away from him and he sat up straight."Looks like my friends brought a bad influence to you."he said and took a sip of his drink."Hey,don't blame them okay?It's my fault.Now,go and clean yourself."I said and went to my room.

"Yah..mianhe for calling you a byuntae."I heard Jungkook's voice from outside."Ah Ra-ah,open the door."he said while knocking the door.I opened my door and saw him standing there."What?"I asked."I'm sorry."he said while looking down."It's okay..go and take your shower."I crossed my arms and looked at him."Thanks."he suddenly hugged me and smiled sheepishly as he walked into his room.My heartbeat started to race incredibly.Jeon Jungkook!You did it again! I feel myself smiling and when I noticed that I immediately slapped my face to bring me back to my senses.I entered my room and sat on the sofa.I was about to close my eyes when my phone started ringing.It's from dad."Hello..hi,dad."I answered."How's my girl doing?"he asked."I'm fine..how are you,Mom and Na Ra?"I asked back."We're in a good condition..how's Jungkook and anything new?"he asked."Jungkook is fine and what do you mean anything new?"I asked,confused."Aye..are you pregnant?"he asked directly."No..why?"I asked."Um..your mom and I are hoping to see little kids playing around soon..you know what I mean right?"he explained."Yes..just now,it was Jungkook's mom and now you.."I said."Oh,she said the same thing?"he asked."Yes..I'll think about that later,okay?"I ensured him."Okay.I'll get going now..take care.Bye."dad ended the call.I heard the door being knocked."Come in."I said and Jungkook came in."Your dad calling you?"he asked.I nodded my head and he sat next to me."Why is he calling?"he asked."He's asking about us.."I answered.

"Actually,Jungkook.."I started."What is it?"he looked at me.Should I tell him about what our parents told me just now?"Oh..nothing.."I shook my head."Come on tell me,what is it?"he insisted."I was thinking if we can go for a vacation."thankfully,I didn't tell him about that.He chuckled and looked at me."Really?"he asked me.I nodded my head."Tell me why."he said."I just want you to rest from your hectic work.."I answered."Aw..I never knew you were this sweet.."he ruffled my hair and laughed."I'm serious,Jungkook."I said to him."Me too..where do you want to go for the vacation?"he asked."I let you decide."I replied."How about going to my hometown in Busan?You can meet my grandparents too..what do you think?"he suggested."Okay..I'm fine with it."I agreed."Pack your things now.I'll book our tickets right now."he said as he took his phone.I nodded and started packing."I'm taking the 8.10 pm flight."he said as he typed something on his phone."Okay."I answered and continued packing."We're going for 3 days are you okay with it?"he asked."Ne..now that I finished packing,you need to start packing too,Jungkook."I said.He nodded and went out of the room.

After packing,we took a taxi and went to the airport."Are you excited?"Jungkook asked me."Yeah,I've never been to Busan before.."I said."Well,you should prepare your heart because its so..beautiful."he said and smiled.It's so heart warming to see him smile like this.I nodded my head and after we arrived,we checked in our things and waited for the departure."Yah,let's take a picture."Jungkook said as he got his camera.We moved closer to each other.I swear my heart can't stop beating fast as we got closer.He put his arm around my shoulder and he clicked the camera after we smiled."The picture looks so nice..and You look beautiful."he said while looking at the picture.Jungkook-ah,are you saying this for real? I smiled and looked away mainly because I'm shy."Kaja,we need to go now."he stood up and took his backpack.We entered the plane and sat next to each other.I was near the window while Jungkook was next to me."Sleep if you're tired."he said while he's buckling his seatbelt.I nodded and stared out of the window.Time passed and I started to feel sleepy.My eyes closed and leaned to Jungkook's shoulder.

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