Chapter 4: Until we meet again

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Bug wouldn't dare tell her brothers this, or Doc, he would make countless inappropriate jokes, but she often would sneak to the brothel and speak to the inhabitants that worked in the establishment. The group of women welcomed her with open arms. It made her sad to think that people judged them because of what they did. Now don't get her wrong, she didn't agree with what they did and she did call Kate a whore many times, mostly in her head but a few times out loud, she begrudgingly admits it was because of the jealousy of the woman's relationship with Doc. She just liked this particular group of girls very much.

"So, Miss. Dorothy, I have seen you strolling around with Doc Holliday." Rose, the oldest of the group, the other girls looked up to her as sort've a leader of the brothel. "Yes, he has officially asked me to court him." She blushed and sipped on the cup of whiskey they had given her, another thing she didn't tell her brothers or Doc, the amount of griping and once again inappropriate comments from Doc, she couldn't imagine. The girls all began to cheer and comment on how handsome Doc Holliday was and she laughed.

"Have you done anything of the promiscuous sort?" Greta, a lovely blonde girl who was only a few years older than she; asked with a raised brow. The other girls giggled as she once again blushed. Though the last time Doc kissed her in anything but a gentleman's way was the night she found saw him with Kate. He was serious about making up for the harsh words he spoke and had been taking her on strolls or sitting outside the saloon with a book in one hand and hers in the other, reading her the words in his smooth deep voice.

She loved every moment and every sweet but chaste kiss he gave her, but she would be a liar if she didn't think of the way he kissed her neck and grabbed her face so aggressively when he kissed her, it would cause butterflies to erupt in her stomach and an ache to start between her thighs. One time she shyly told the girls and they explained how to fix it herself and while wonderful, she would sinfully wish it was Doc's hands touching her between her legs.

"Nothing like that, though I wouldn't mind a rough and tumble, honestly he had to get all respectable as soon as I became otherwise." She complained with a smirk, the girls all laughing and patting her legs in mock sympathy. She took the final sip of the whiskey in her glass and thought that maybe three glasses were too many, but she didn't protest when they handed her another.

"Why don't you initiate it?" Rose cooed and all the other girls voiced their agreement and shouted recommendations on how to do so but Rose raised her hand and cut them off when Bug softly asked "How could I even begin?" and the girls all sighed at how young and sweet she was which had her face turn red. "Darlin', getting a man riled up is an ability every woman was born with no matter how they look, you only just gotta listen," Greta told her and she got on her knees in front of her which had Bug giggle nervously.

"First you wanna just rub his leg gently, from the knee and slightly up." The blonde does so on Bug and the younger girl watches in fascination. "Then when they start squirming you wanna slightly bring your hand in and keep doing the same until you just brush his member slightly." The girls all giggle as she does so on Bug. "After that, you slowly kiss down his body and well I'll leave this next part up to your imagination but you slowly undo his belt, kiss around his most sacred area, and finally put your mouth on him gently."

Bug gasps at the thought but they all laugh as they see her thighs rub and her squirm. "I don't know if I could be that brave." She says breathlessly, and Rose just gives her a smirk. "Honey, I know you can be." With that Bug saw the time and gasped, she was supposed to meet Doc and her brothers at the Oriental soon and she downed the cup of whisky bid them goodbye, and laughed with a blush as they all gave shouts of good luck.

She smiled when she saw Doc playing the Piano, her beau sure was a talented man. She gave Wyatt a smile in greeting which he responded with a head nod and smirk before going back to the cards. Morgan gave her a wink and she smiled back with a wave. It might've been the whisky in her system but once she reached Doc, she pulled his head up as he kept playing by the chin and kissed him with a little more gusto than their usual greeting kisses, he gave a hum in delight and eyed her with smoky eyes that had her body tingling. "My my, what have you in such a...passionate state, Bugsy." He teased with his southern accent becoming stronger with each word. "Just missed ya is all, John Henry." She gave him another kiss this one much softer and innocent, and leaned her body against his and her head on his shoulder as he continued to play. She didn't see his raised eyebrow of delight at her sweet words.

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