Chapter 5: O.K Corral

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It had been a week or so after the killing of Marshall Fred, and things slowly went back to normal, Wyatt and his siblings were in shock when Curly Bill went free but there was nothing in their power that they could do. Bugs was on her way to the Oriental as she had taken to escorting the children from and to the schoolhouse every day to help the teacher out, she hadn't been able to see Doc for a few days.

She smiled as she walked in with Wyatt and heard Josephine singing, she sounded lovely and she turned to stare at her brother as he stared at the woman singing, love shining in both their eyes. "What do you think of the singer?" The Sheriff which she has come to detest asks Wyatt and the spell is broken as he clears his throat, "Nice voice." Bugs rolls her eyes at her brother.

"Wyatt, Bugs, Doc won't quit. He's been at it for thirty-six hours straight." She sighed as she looked over and saw the man playing cards, looking exhausted, sweaty and drunk. "Honestly, it's like he enjoys feeling awful." She complains, her nose wrinkled in annoyance. "Clanton and the McLaury brothers came in an hour ago on top of that." Morgan continues as he looks at his siblings with stress-filled eyes.

"I tried to get him to go to bed but he won't let go." Bugs cuts him off, "We know, and nobody can make him." She says in an annoyed tone, arms crossed. "Well, maybe one person can." Wyatt says to her and she turns to see both her brothers staring at her. "We might love each other but Doc Holliday don't listen to know one when it comes to cards and drinking." She pouts.

They walk over to him and she frowns as Doc coughs aggressively into his handkerchief and she stands beside him, he gives her a smirk and grabs her around the waist bringing her aggressively onto his lap. "John Henry, this is completely inappropriate" She scolds but her actions go against her words as she leans into his chest and dabs at his forehead.

"Wyatt, just in time pull up a chair." He slurs and his head sways. "Doc, you been hittin' it awfully hard, haven't ya?" Wyatt questions his friend and gives Bugs an exasperated look and she shrugs back at him. What can she say, she loves it when Doc starts lovin' on her.

"Nonsense, I've not yet begun to defile myself." He slurs back and gives Bugs a smirk as he pulls her closer by the waist on his lap. "No, that's my job" Bugs smiled devishly at the sick man, he gave her a warning look and she fluttered her eyes in response, "Don't you wanna head to bed, Doc" She smiled sweetly and he hummed at her giving her a considerate look.

"Would you dare to come with me?" He purred and she traced his upper lip with her thumb, his mustache tickling it. "If it meant you'd get some rest, I would, Mr. Holliday." She murmured temptingly. Wyatt grasped his shoulder, "I was wonderin' if you wouldn't wanna go on over to the crystal palace.." Doc interrupted the man, "I will not be pawed at, thank you very much." Bugs shot Wyatt a look and he backed off a little.

"Not even by me, love?" She whispered and brought her lips to his softly. He gave her another warning look, she was getting bolder and bolder each day. "I might be a tad bit more willing, Miss. Earp." He teased with a nip to her bottom lip.

Ike gives them a disgusted look as Doc drinks some more even as Bugs gives him a stern look and shows his card with a chuckle, she smiles at his win and Doc goes to grab the money but Ike grabs his arm aggressively. "What is that? That 12 hands in a row, Holliday? Son of a bitch nobody's that lucky." He growls and Bugs tenses as Doc leans forward looking worse in his sickness. "Why Ike, whatever do you mean?" He taunts. Virgil's deep raspy voice cuts in, "Take it easy, boys." Bugs relaxes knowing all her brothers are surrounding her.

"Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike." He hums as he grabs the money and Wyatt moves to help him sort it. Bugs gets off his lap, pours him a glass of water, and sits it down in front of Doc, it's promptly ignored. "I know, let's have a spelling contest." Doc insults and though she thought it was quite clever and funny, Bugs sighs knowing that things are going to get heated.

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