Chapter 3

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After 2 hours of random shopping we came back to the hotel room, we have already packed everything so took all our stuff and headed to Airport  after all the formalities We boarded on the flight, it's a 3 seater, me on the window seat, Arun in the middle and Sathish on the corner, 

" Are you ok , your not yourself from this morning, what's happening"? I asked arun since Sathish dozed off, I got some time alone

" Nothing" he simply replied

" Even now I can feel that something is bothering you so tell me, " i asked again


" Comeon I'm your friend, no I'm your best friend " i insisted 

" No " my heart skipped a beat

" What " 

" I mean not now " he replied

" Okay" i told his and took his hand to comfort him , I feel good , his warm hand on my hand , I just enjoy the feeling of a boy who I likes being this close with me and holding hands

After 10 mins they served our food , i gladly eat the food 

Divya's Drive

" Divya , where are you" i heard Ashok's voice

" Here I am " i answered and came out of my room 

" It's already time , shall we go ? " He asked me 

" Ya I'm ready, just wait I'll tell mom and be back in 5 minutes" i told

" Ok then I'll meet at the parking " he announced and started to walk downstairs without waiting for my answer

With a sigh I took my pouch and walked towards my mom, I knocked my mom's door and she asked me to come in

" Mom, they will reach in an hours and I'm going to pick them up" i informed, she was talking with my aunt 

" ok dear, you are going with Ashok right?" 

She asked

" Yes mom, he is waiting downstairs" 

" Ok dear, bye " 

" Bye mom " she continues talking with aunt

I walk down to the front door, I see Ashok waiting in the car in front of the house, I let  myself get inside the car, he switched on the FM and changing the channels and started to drive, when tuned the particular channel this is going on which is my favourite one , i was about to tell him to leave this one but it's like he is reading my mind he let the song playing, i sang along with the music 

  '"Like a silver anklet, Chimes, the earth below.

   Like an unworn diamond, Shines, the sky above. ""

" Such a beautifully designed song " i happily said

" Yes, even I like this song " he replied

" Wait, how do you know that I like this one in the first place " i wondered, because even after tuning a lots channel and songs , he particularly stopped at this one 

" Because I know " he simply replied

" Yes you know but how " I asked again

" Because I know you" he said, which let me confused again, we are friends and he might know a lots of things about me, but how do he know my personal favourite

I didn't say anything gave him a confused look and started to look at the road like it's the most interesting thing, but it suddenly hit me , he didn't go with others, he chose to stay with me and supported me in everything and to the top he knows a lot of things about me but how 

Mrunal pov 

I woke with the uneasiness, " what's happening" i asked randomly

" The flight is about to land " Arun told me, my face immediately lit up, I saw the airport lights from the above , and the flight slowly lowers and landed smoothly on the runway , after reaching the allotted spot it slowly stopped

" We reached " i said with full happiness 

" Yayyyyy , we reached " Sathish also excited to be back at our city 

" Hey take our bags" i ordered him 

" Aye aye Princess " he teased, and did what i asked to do

" Hey why are you so silent " i asked Arun while walking 

" Nothing, im just tired " he lazily replied , something is fishy , i should find out , i told myself 

" Look at the duty free shop , are we going to buy anything? " Sathish asked

" Of course yes, I'm going to buy chocolates , give me your card " i teased him

" Well i think i forgot to take my card " 

"Let me check, give me your wallet " 

" I don't have one " 

" Hey you are such a bad boy, I'll go and shop alone " i said and moved fast

I was checking on the chocolates , the boys followed me ,  

" See how big this one , I'm going to buy this for me " i told to myself

" Buy one for me too " said Sathish

" Of course , anything for my sponcer" i teased again

" Sure " he said , and we bought a lot of chocolates together, Arun was checking on his phone the whole time , he didn't pay much attention to our shopping, he was nice and good until yesterday, 

" Guys " Arun called out

" Yes " i answered

" They waiting outside for us " he informed us, that our friends are waiting for us 

" We are almost done , have to bill this " i said and walked towards the billing counter  

After billing everything when I was about to pay Arun gave his card to the lady in the billing counter

" Hey I can pay " i couldn't read his expression

" It's ok I'll pay " i didn't argue much on this topic, arun took the baggage and we started to walk towards the door

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