Chapter one

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It was the morning of January 24th, 2024, and Brock was sitting in his room listening to one of his favorite bands, Pierce the Veil. They'd released the song Resilience the previous year and he was down to listening to it. The song played in the background as he'd been using his air pods not really paying attention to things around him. Brock never really interacted with anyone. It didn't matter as the only time he ever had to do that was when he had to do what Alaric and the dicks kids wanted. Brock had been so focused on the music that he hadn't heard one of his stepsiblings enter the barn.

To prove a point, a loud blast of sound broke through what was supposed to be soundproof air pods. Brock jumped and took them out only to find that his youngest stepbrother, eighteen-year-old Aston was blasting his electric guitar.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Brock exclaimed. "Can't I have one fucking day where I don't need to be bothered?!"

Aston laughed.

"My dad told me to look for you and figure out why you aren't in the house getting things ready for the day," Aston smirked. "Wait till I tell him that you're in your dump listening to your trashy music,"

"Why you son of a bitch!" Brock yelled and jumped from his bed.

He was dressed in mostly sweatpants and a black long-sleeved skull shirt. Aston backed up and took off running. Annoyed, Brock chased after him ready to beat the shit out of his stepbrother. However, Aston was faster as he took off out of the barn and raced toward the house. Brock didn't think much about it when he tackled Aston right in front of the backdoor as well as his stepfather.

"What is going on out here?!" Alaric exclaimed.

Immediately, the two got up.

"Dad! Brock tried to hurt me!" Aston cried.

Brock glared daggers at his stepbrother. Ready to tackle him again.

"He came into my room first!" Brock defended.

"Enough!" Alaric stated. "Aston, please go inside and get ready for football try outs,"

Aston nodded and walked inside. But not before he turned and glared at Brock. Alaric waited until Aston was upstairs then turned back to him.

"Now then, Brock, since you were picking a fight with Aston, you better get into that kitchen and start cooking," Alaric ordered. "I will not have someone like you affect my kids days, oh and after your done cooking go and get your sister's clothes ready,"

Brock grumbled to himself as he walked into the house. Ignoring his stepfather, Brock walked into the kitchen and got everything he needed to make breakfast. He walked over to the coffee pot and got three Keurig cups. Not willing to say anything to his stepfather, Brock grabbed three cups from the cupboard and started the machine. Turning back to the oven and the fridge he grabbed a carton of eggs then reached into the cupboard to get the griddle. He'd been busy making breakfast and coffee when his stepsister came downstairs.

"Brock! Make sure that you make my eggs scrambled, you know how much I hate that yolk!" she ordered.

Brock glanced back at his stepsister; she had hair curlers in as well as acne cream. Like that would help her get rid of the large pimples she'd gotten since she'd turned nineteen.

"Why can't you make it yourself..." Brock spoke.

As if she heard him, she turned toward him.

"What was that?" Stella said.

"Nothing," Brock responded.

He turned back to the stove and started heating up the griddle before he added the eggs. Alaric and Aston came into the kitchen right then and there and took a seat at the table. The coffee was done and so were the eggs and pancakes. Brock remained quiet as he didn't want to make his stepfather anymore angrier. He finished the coffee off with the finishing touches. Taking up the plates of food and cups with no help he placed them on the table.

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