All I Wanted

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* WARNING * There's some unalive talk in this one- but don't worry too much.

Aura made him bathe first. He caught sight of Wooyoung in a corner of the tub and the smaller man tossed him a weak smile that put his heart at ease.

He looked a lot better, except for the bruising beneath his collar and the slight limp when he got out to dry off.

"Hurry up." Aura commanded, watchful as a hawk.

Minho scrubbed himself clean, breaking out in nauseating flushes as he cleaned around the new chain collar and his own lower region. There was a gross and familiar soreness inside. An ache that used to turn him on so many weeks ago.

"Clean your hole enough for use."


Aura grumbled, wading into the water beside him and snatching the soap from his shaking hand. With a grimace, she forced his front against the edge of the tub by a firm grip on his shoulder, plunging her own hand into the cool water.

Panic shocked through his mind and body as her inked fingers entered him.


"If you don't listen to me the first time I say something, then I will just have to make you do it. Because I don't ask twice. Now, stop being a bitch, and hold still."

He willed himself into a sort of paralysis, allowing his limbs to freeze where they were, wincing against the uncomfortable dig of her small fingers.

Eventually, she drew away, dragging a square of wet cloth over his back and sides. "I'll let you wash your own dick." She whispered against the outer shell of his ear.

Minho did. Quickly and efficiently, fearing her promise of not asking twice. They got out, dried off, and kept walking through the house without new clothes.

"We need to moisturize. This is for every party. And the only clothing you're allowed is a collar unless Master chooses something special for you." Aura was leading him up to the feeding rooms where more of the donors seemed to be practicing simple commands. She stopped near the back of the room and grabbed a leash. "You'll have this attached. Each order is pretty self-explanatory."

The leash was clipped to his new chain collar.

"Sit." She said.

Minho opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Bad boy." The leash was yanked and the chain around his throat tightened to a choking smallness. Minho fell to his knees trying to get his fingers under the metal.

"I said sit."

Immediately, Minho spread his legs, seating himself on the cold floor. The chain went slack, and he drew a shuddering breath. When he looked up at her she was smiling.


His cheeks burned with indignation. "What... what do you want me to say?"

"Good boy. Stand." Minho got to his feet and Aura grinned. The smile changed her whole face. "That's it. Angel might ask for something else, but it'll be obvious. Bend over, show me your hole, stuff like that. I think he's only ever asked Wooyoung to sing and dance but it's always a possibility. Even if he just wants to embarrass you."


"Don't overthink it. Just stare at the ground and let the night pass." She left to watch over a few other donors.

Minho stared at the end of the leash where she'd dropped it on the ground and fantasized about wrapping it around a banister and jumping off the stairs.

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