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"I think you just have a weak immune system."

Nothing was happening, it was quiet within his house at such an early hour. Without a dwindling clue within his mind as to why he had even been up. Snow fluttered through the white backdrop of the world outside. Late winter season, something despite having fur for he always felt with.
Dogday grumbled, shuffling in his spot on the couch. His limbs were tucked under a blanket he stole from his bedroom. A shiver crept down his spine and worked its way around his body as his nose twitched. Fighting a sneeze. He felt like he was burning alive under the blanket, however. His body above felt frozen, stuck in place.

It was always a wonder to him how Picky Piggy never wound up sick whenever they were outside in the snow. He was always the first to get sick within the season. He knew that clear as day. But it was something Dogday didn't understand the logic of. He had one of the thickest coats in the group.

Dogday pressed the back of his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes. A long groan left his lips. He felt like a wuss. The canine probably was when it came to sickness. It wasn't even seven in the morning and the sun was already over the horizon and steadily rising over the sheet white plane.

He glanced outside with a wince, the pure ethereal appearance outside made his head pound with a crawling ache. Digging under his eyes within his head like an infestation of worms.

Dogday steadily pulled himself up from the couch. Blankets wrapped around his shaking form. He might as well try and make himself something simple to eat. It was already morning. Breakfast time as some would say. Regardless of whether you are sick or not. The canine shuffled over to a pantry and pulled a small cereal box out before lazily tossing it to the counter.

A tired huff left the canine as he reached out and out of the cocoon of warmth to open a cabinet and pull a bowl out.

Dogday didn't even grab a spoon or milk. He simply poured the dry cereal into the bowl and grabbed it with a sluggish remark. Blinking a few times as he stood still. Churning towards the living room again. He sat back down, in the same spot as before. Eating dry cereal again.

With no clear motivations, he ate painfully slow for his good. A slowness within his motions and a stillness in his frame as he sat like a statue with a bowl seated gently in his lap.

Dogday's mind wandered off to the events of the latest snowball fight he had with everyone else, other than Catnap, and Bubba Bubbaphant. – Who watched from a distance, more like from the comforts of the window of their respective houses.

It was a couple of days before he had gotten sick. The remaining parts of their group split into two teams. Dogday, Craftycorn, KickinChicken, as team one. Bobby Bearhug, Hoppy Hopscotch, and Picky Piggy, as team two.

They were all out in a field between their houses. Picking up the soft and fluffy ground cover and tossing it at one another with aggression. - Playful aggression.

Dogday had managed to hit Hoppy in the back of the head a couple of times, that was until the two of them had a full-on war just between themselves. Hiding within bushes and ducking behind trees to use as cover from one another as snow flew their way.

I ducked behind a tree, I could feel my chest heave as my fur was nipped by the cold. Overly competitive as I tend to get when it's something like this. Putting both me and Hoppy on opposite teams may have been a bad idea. - The endless targeting from both me and them was great. Noticeable as I churned sharply from the tree's cover and Threw a ball of white fluff at Hoppy from afar.

Hoppy dodges it by turning to the left. Feeling something harsh, and cool hit my back as I tripped in the snow and fell within the fluffy coating. The air was knocked out of my lungs as I lay on the ground for a few seconds. It didn't take long to hobble back up to my feet as Craftycorn yelled in the distance.

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