Chapter 2

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Golden irises fixated on the expanse beyond the window, tracing the cerulean canvas adorned with an array of cloud formations. Volumes of knowledge lay scattered across the table, a pencil gripped in his hand. Beneath his palm, sheets of paper rested, awaiting to be written on.

In the background, the teacher's voice wove through the air, a melodic cadence as she imparted her lesson. The rest of the class sat in rapt attention, absorbing her words. Yet, his consciousness wandered, adrift in reverie, detached from the mundane classroom scene.

'It's so peaceful...'

"Finn Ames my lesson is over here." Emerging from his reverie, he jolted when the teacher's voice summoned his attention. Embarrassment flushed his cheeks, and he averted his gaze, swiftly lowering his eyes to the task at hand, avoiding any eye contact.


He could hear children giggling and let out a sigh, 'Just my luck.'

The classroom bell chimed, signaling the end of the lesson. The teacher's stern voice cut through the air, "You kids better not forget to do your homework!" Some students paid attention, while others seemed eager to escape her clutches.

Finn swiftly packed his belongings into his bag and followed the stream of classmates out the door. As he stepped outside, he was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hey, Finn, how's it going, buddy?" Lloyd Cavill's light blonde hair shifted as he approached. His confidence oozed, but Finn knew better than to trust it. Lloyd was notorious for being a bully at school, and everyone tiptoed around him.

With a forced gulp, Finn replied, "Good...what is it, Lloyd?" His nerves were on edge, anticipating what request would come next.

Lloyd idly picked at his nails, feigning deep thought. "You know, I think I asked you to ruin Mash's clothes last time. Maybe...burn them?" He flashed an innocent smile at Finn, his eyes half-closed.

"Th-that's—" Finn stammered, but Lloyd's intense blue gaze silenced him.

"Actually," Lloyd continued, "I have a better idea. Let's rip up his textbooks. Heard he's struggling with schoolwork. Maybe this will push him to give up and leave."

His minions chuckled evilly, finding the situation amusing.

Lloyd patted Finn's shoulder and strolled away, not wanting to hear anything more. "Remember the consequences if you don't follow through." His sing-song tone tormented Finn, leaving him trembling, fingers gripping the book cover as he tried to collect his jumbled thoughts.

He squeezed his eyes shut, a desperate plea echoing within him: Why can't I find the strength to stand up for myself? The weight of his own silence pressed down, suffocating him. 

The hallway walls seemed to close in, confining him to a cage of his own making. The bullies' taunts, the whispered jeers, they all blurred together, a relentless storm battering his resolve.

Finn's fists clenched, knuckles white against the backdrop of his fear. He longed to break free, to defy the puppet strings that held him captive. But the fear, the gnawing dread of retaliation kept him rooted in place. 

But as Lloyd's footsteps faded down the hallway, he hadn't heard a sound, but a gentle touch on his shoulder jolted him. Swiftly, he spun around, surprise etching across his features.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓷𝓪𝓿𝓮 (𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓵𝓮 𝓧 𝓐𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓸)Where stories live. Discover now