Chapter 5

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The Shadowclaw, a grotesque fusion of scales, fur, and claws, emerged from the dense woods. Its malevolent eyes glowed with an intensity akin to molten lava, casting an eerie illumination upon its twisted form. The air around it thickened as its fetid breath, a nauseating blend of decay and ancient malevolence hung like a shroud.

The ground quaked as it erupted, a colossal monstrosity that seemed hewn from the very bedrock. Its deafening roars echoed through the forest, reaching the farthest corners, where startled birds took flight and small creatures sought refuge.

The students, clustered together, exchanged furtive whispers. Their gazes were drawn to the diamond-shaped mirror, a magic spell that revealed a lone girl standing there, a fragile figure against the looming terror. Fear clung to their hearts, they dreaded for her safety.

Meanwhile, the teacher, positioned on the sidelines, observed with keen interest. A floating clipboard hovered beside him, its surface capturing every detail. The pen, guided by curiosity, etched notes, scribbles that chronicled the unfolding battle.

Yet, there was another curiosity that tugged at his thoughts about the magic wielded by his partner. Their victories had propelled them forward, but now the path diverged. The next step toward the coveted gold coin required her individual triumph.

As the young girl stepped forward, she defied convention. Instead of brandishing her wand, she drew forth a knife, its blade gleaming in the dappled light. The gossip among her peers intensified. They questioned her audacity, their voices a cacophony of speculation.

His eyebrows furrowed, and his golden eye pierced her form. Using a knife against an adversary of such power?' His fingers clenched against the fabric of his own coat, betraying his inner turmoil.

The horrendous monster charged, its razor-sharp claws reaching for her in a matter of heartbeats. Yet, to everyone's astonishment, she danced away, a graceful waltz that defied reason. She slipped beneath its arms, then sidestepped the next attack, her blade grazing the monster's flank.

The Shadowclaw roared, blood oozing from its wound. Their battle intensified, a desperate struggle between life and death. The student her breaths ragged, fought with unwavering resolve. She dodged, parried, and struck, each movement a testament to her poise and determination.

In a daring move, she flipped the knife, its hilt now upside down. With precision, she aimed for the monster's eye just as it lunged. It screeched, staggered back. Then, with unwavering focus, she retrieved her wand, pointing it squarely at her adversary.

Her eyes bore the keen edge of peril, a razor-sharp intensity that could pierce even the darkest secrets. "Hemoturgy." she uttered, and instantly, as if summoned by her incantation, crimson blood erupted, a macabre spray that splattered across her form.

From every corner of the creature's flesh, blood spikes emerged, their malevolence unyielding. The monstrous adversary faltered, its breath severed by this bloody onslaught. Then, with a final, desperate cry, it collapsed, disintegrating into ashes.

The onlookers, students, teacher, and spectators alike witnessed the horrifying spectacle.

Their faces contorted with shock and awe, and a stifling silence enveloped the arena. The teacher, momentarily stunned, snapped back to reality. His voice quavered as he announced, "A-a new record has been set, achieved by none other than Arlechinno herself!" His nervousness underscored the gravity of the moment.

"The victors of this match," he continued, "are Rayne Ames and Arlecchino!"

Rayne, catching his partner's gaze, felt a surge of pride. Blood still dripped from her eyelids, and the ends of his hair stood on end from the sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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