Chapter 3

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Finn knelt, threads biting into his skin, a cruel embrace orchestrated by none other than Lloyd. The taste of iron lingered in his mouth, blood pooling from his battered nose. Pain surged through every fiber of his being, a relentless symphony of agony.

As footsteps approached, Finn's battered senses strained to identify the newcomer. "M-mash..." His voice trembled, recognizing the familiar presence.

Lloyd's smirk widened. "Well, well, if it isn't Mash."

Mash Burnedead stood there, an enigma carved from stone. His expression betrayed nothing—no anger, no concern. Only a void. "What are you doing?" His voice echoed, devoid of emotion, cutting through the tension like a blade

"Getting an apology." He answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world, Finn who just looked down at the ground in shame not wanting to meet Mash his eyes.

Mash, an enigma of stoicism, crossed the distance to the fallen mage. Finn's body lay crumpled, threads still biting into his skin. Mash's hand settled on Finn's back, a touch devoid of warmth or urgency. "Are you okay, Finn?" His monotone voice hung in the air, leaving Finn to wonder if concern truly existed within those unyielding eyes.

Finn managed a nod, sitting up with effort. "But you're bleeding," Mash observed, stating the obvious. The blood, a stark contrast against the ground, painted a grim tableau.

Tears welled up, dropped like fragile crystals, staining the earth. Finn's voice trembled, overwhelmed by emotion. "It-it was me. The one who ruined your textbooks, was me." His confession spilled forth, raw and unfiltered.

 Mash's eyes widened, surprise etching his features—an unexpected vulnerability. "I was ordered to, scared to disobey. But kept saying I was a great guy, your friend." Finn's voice cracked. "Even though I did horrible things to you. So, I just...needed to apologize. I'm sorry, Mash. I'm really sorry." He bowed, hands trembling, tears blurring his vision. His remorse echoed through the quiet hallway.

"If only you'd apologized to me like that," Lloyd spoke, his voice dripping with feigned disappointment. But before the weight of his words could settle, he swiftly changed the topic. "Oh, by the way. I'm about to dine with the vice principal."

"Care to join us, Mash?" His sly grin already anticipated the boy's affirmative response. "You can leave that dirty lackey here." He nodded toward Finn, who still bore the marks of injury, his black hair hanging low in shame.

Continuing in a mocking tone, Lloyd remained oblivious to Mash's rising tension. "I've been dying to introduce you. You might never get a chance like this again." The mushroom-haired youth advanced, an aura of danger surrounding him. "Especially if you keep company with someone who only apologizes," he added, pointing at Finn.

But Mash, the quiet observer, had reached his limit. In a swift motion, he grabbed a fistful of Lloyd's hair, and before anyone could react, slammed him to the ground.

"You're the one who should apologize," Mash demanded, his voice firm.

Lloyd his minions blinked in shock, disbelief etched across their faces. "Wut?" they managed to sputter.

"Double wut?!" The once-untouchable Lloyd now lay bleeding, crumpled like a discarded rag doll.

Finn, shocked by his friend's audacity, was more concerned about the consequences. "Th-that'll get you expelled," he stammered.

But Mash turned to him, unperturbed. "Is that a big deal?" he asked, his gaze unwavering.

Then back at Lloyd, "Oh. Maybe it is a big deal."

And there, amidst the stunned silence, the student body witnessed a shift in power, a rebellion against the status quo. Mash stood, defiant, and the once-untouchable Lloyd lay defeated. "I might've done something bad."

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓷𝓪𝓿𝓮 (𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓵𝓮 𝓧 𝓐𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓸)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu