4. Brainless idiot and celebrity

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"Great. What am I gonna do now?"
"Just... relax?"
"Are you fucking kidding me? How can I relax now when he's coming here and I look like a fucking raw meat beef!!!!?" "Wouh, did I come in a bad time Xander? A lovely man voice said. My bed was behind the door so he hadn't seen me yet.
"Uhm I don't think so Samu, Y/n is just a little nervouse."
"No I am NOT. I just didn't want him to se me like... this."
"So I can come in?"
"Yes." I answered and made a death stare at Alexander. Samu came in to the room and Alex closed the door.
"Take a chair for him you brainless idiot." I said to Alex.
"Brainless idiot?" Samu laughed and looked at me for the first time.
"Ouch... I think that is a bit more than just 2 broken fingers." Samu said and looked horrified.
"Oh so from 7 broken bones, a ruptured eardrum, a bad concussion and a little more to a few broken bones to just 2 broken fingers? Go get me some pizza idiot. And make sure it's warm with pineapple when you come back." I said and he ran out.

"Uhmm... yeah. I think that I shouldn't have been here because this is family things and I'm not in the family so you want me to go out and wait untill you and my friend have solv..."
"No need Samu. I hope that brainless idiot has told you about why I wanted to talk to you."
"Yeah he told me something about a BMW?"
"Oh great. Just as I expected he didn't tell you anything."
"No, miss Y/l/n, I was just kidding. He told me everything. You got attacked by your sister and her friends, now your here and your mom said if I don't be on your sisters birthday she'll sell your car, did I get it right?"
"Well... yes but I will beat him up cause he told you about my little fight and now your propably not coming. And please, call me Y/n."
"Please don't beat that brainless idiot up, he doesn't deserve it. And I'm still coming, no worries."

The evening went by fast and we talked with Samu about our plans. Now the only thing left was to choose the time he was coming and the songs he would sing. "Sorry but I can't help you with the songs. I never heard any of your songs so it would be a little bad for me to choose them."
"Oh really? Finally I've met someone who doesn't know me for my songs or Instagram."
"Well yeah, I heard of you for the first time like 6 hours ago when Caleb said my sister has a crush on you haha."
"Haha, 6 hours knowing that I exist and now you have seen me. Theres million fans out there who never seen me and knew my existance for their whole life, you're lucky according to everyone of my fans now."
"Yeah. Now to the point. Friday afternoon at 2pm, Olympic stadion?"
"Sounds great. I'll leave my car there and you pick me up, right?"
"Exactly, right. See you then."
"See you then. And you know I forgot to give you something..." Samu takes something up from the floor and I see it is flowers and chocolate
"Yellow tulpines, my favorite! And Marabou Daim? How did you know?"
"Your Boyfriend told me." Samu said and winked.
"Friend. Bestfriend please."
"Sorry, I didn't know."
"Yeah, it's fine, no worries really. We're so close that people often think we're dating. So if you hang out with him in your free time you'll propably see me too."
"Hopefully yes. But get better soon and see you around." Samu said, leaned over, hugged me and kissed me on the forehead before he took his keys and left the room.

653 words

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