5. Dream like a child

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It's 3pm on a sunny wednesday afternoon and I got home 5 days ago. Jenny's birthday party planning is done and all Jenny's friends have gone home. We're playing Uno when someone suddenly knocks on our front door.
"I'll open, it's probably my graduation dress or new high heels!!" Jenny sais exited and runs out of the kitchen. I hear a man voice and Jenny saying something about a house and then a door closing and Jenny returning with a dissapointed look on her face.
"The mail man had The wrong adress, it was supposed to go to the neighbours up the street." Jenny said and slammed a +4 black card to Chad.

A few minutes later my phone starts ringing. I stand up and walk to the living room where my phone is.
"Answer it already Y/n!" Mom shouts and I reach my phone. 'Unknown number.' I answer the call.
"Y/n Y/l/n, how can I help?" I answer and I'm shocked about who is on the other side the call.
"Hi Y/n Y/l/n, This is Samu Aleksi Haber from the music band Sunrise Avenue. I wanted to know how you are."
"Samu?" I started laughing and at the same time I did a grimace when the pain reached my nerves.
"I'm fine, how about you? And how did you get my number?"
"A young friendly friend of mine gave it. now to the point. Where are you?" "What? I'm home, why?"
"Oh really? The mail man said otherwise. He said you were in the mall with your boyfriend."
"Mail man? What boyfriend? Okay now wait a second. Mail man? I didn't know you had friends as mail mans."
"Uff. I have to do everything by my self, everytime I put someone else to do important things they just fuck it up. Come to the front door, I need to see you." and with that he just ended the call. "The fuck?" I said to my self and walked to the front door and opened at the same time I heard some car door close.


"Hi mister Haber. What was so important that it couldn't wait for tomorrow afternoon? And how the fuck did you get my adress?"
"You told it your self and you were important. Now tell me why my friend the mail man couldn't do this job."
"What mail man? When was he here?"
"A few minutes before I called you, your sister opened the door."
"Oh yeah, I don't know. She said he was at the wrong adress and said he was going to the neighbour up the street. And how the fuck did you know about this?" "Whoah princess, girls as beautiful and with as cute smiles as you should not use that bad words." Samu said and he started laughing, his laugh sounded very beautiful.
"Oh really Mister Haber? I think that you shouldn't be stalking me like someone who's obsessed with me if you aren't." "Who said I'm not obsessed with you. I can be a bit creapy sometimes but that side of me isn't in instagram." Samu said with a smirk.
"Oh you just shouldn't mess with me like that, you know that I am a friend with many of the bad guys here and you'll be in big trouble if you prank or attack me mister Haber."
"Bad guys huh? Then you should be good friends with me miss Y/l/n."
"You seem more like a teddy bear than a bad boy to me, idiot." I said and we bursted out laughing.
"Come here IdiOT" Samu said and pulled me carefully into a hug.
"Yep, definitly a teddy bear but a little too long and muscular one." I said and started giggleing like crazy when he liftes me up and started tickleing my flanks. "Stoopp Idiot!" I said but he didn't listen cause I was laughing.
"What did you sayyy? I caan't hear yoouu." He said and when he finally stoped and put me down my whole body ached but it was fine.

"Now Hapa, tell me why you came here. If Jenny sees you her surprise is ruined." "I have a big surprise and it is not for Jenny, it is for you."
"Hmm... let me think about it. What could a multi milionare propably give to a misserable girl?"
"Just shut up and listen." Samu said and I was just gonna say something back to him but I kept quiet when I saw his wonderful smile and my heart seriously melted.
"Ok sir." I said knowing he didn't like my answer and that's why I said it.
"I got you a gift. If you want it you take it, otherwise I will get you something other." Samu said with puppy eyes and a smile and I wish I could have taken a picture of him.
"Here you go muffin." He said and handed a small box.
"Are we gonna talk about the fact that you called me a muffin?" I asked and he looked away.
"Sorry Y/n. It just came out." He looked sad and I think he thought he hurted my feelings.
"No no no it's not a bad thing, it is actually a pretty cute name Teddy bear." I said and he started laughing at his new nickname.
"Ok ok, now we stop before I start to call you something that is not fine for us." Samu said and I saw when he formulated the word 'love' on his lips.
"Ok mister mysterious." I took the packet from his hand and opened it. I just stared for a second at the present and then I looked straight into his eyes.
"Are you sure? This is so much!?"
"Yes I'm sure and it is the least a beautiful lady like you deserve." I looked down again and the box had in it a beautiful golden necklace with the text: 'You are beautiful the way you are', 3 matching rings and earrings with the Sunrise Avenue heart.

There was a small note too and when I opened it Samu laughed.
"Please don't read that..." I shook my head.
"Are you hiding something from me?" I asked and started reading.

'Hi Y/n, sorry about the accident with your sister. Thought that you would like these, I did them on monday, the day after I met you and I think they should belong to you. See you on friday :) ~Hapa ;)
Ps. You have my number in your phone now so text me if you want :))'

"oh my gosh Hapa!" I said and hugged him. You are a sweet man and I understand why half the female population have a crush on you. Thank you so much!"
"Mmh. What about you?"
"Half the female population huh? So what about you? Do you have a crush on me?"
"Straight to the point right? And sorry but I'm not telling you. It would be a bit akward if you know, one of us would have feelings for the other and then the other one doesn't like you back..." I said with a little smile.
"I'm sorry Hapa, shouldn't have gone that far wi..."
"No it's fine, really."
"Ok, just tought I'd gone too far and you like, you know, think I'm some sort of a creep? Hehe."
"Haha! Your very funny Y/n!"
"You too but I think I should go in now before someone comes out and sees us here."
"Yeah, see you tomorrow at 2pm."
"See you Hapa!" I said and gave him a last hug before he walked to his car, smiled at me and drove away.


In the evening when everyone watched stranger things and ate chips I laid in my bed texting with Samu.
I didn't want to admit it but I had got feelings for him and I just couldn't get him out of my mind. He was so sweet and polite that I just couldn't do anything but love him. This man is really something. Holy shit my heart was melting every time I read his messages. But even the tought about him not liking me gets my heart broken in a million peaces. I know we have a 12 year age gap, the media would be wide open with articles and photos about us if we'd date I can't stop thinking of him. I'm 28 and he's 40, and it's wrong but I can't do anything about my feelings. I don't even know if he likes me back, even if I saw the word 'love' on Samus lips a few hours ago. Then again, I'm not even sure he said love, it could've been something else not related to live at all.

Samu: Miss you already muffin, can't wait for tomorrow💕

Y/n: Yeah, me neighter. You are so sweet, teddy bear🌹

Y/n: So about today... When you asked if I have a crush on you... The answer is... Well yes I have...

"Fuck why did I sent it?" I said out loud and took the message away from me and him, hopefully he didn't read it.

Samu: Why did you take a message away?

Y/n: Oh sorry, I just sent a message what I should have sent to my other friend to you so I needed to take it away. You know, secrets haha😂

Yess, he didn't read it.

Samu: Aa yes I understand but I have to go now, sleep good beautiful and see you tomorrow at the olympic stadion 😘

I put my phone away and went to sleep, the time was 11pm and I couldn't wait to see Samu tomorrow, even tho my sister would jump on Samu the whole time he was with us.

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