Prime cafe'

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Tw: Swearing, bad sleep, bubblegum toothpaste, coca*n, drugs, hero-villian and everything in between(Does that count?), swords, SH mention, eating disorder, scar mentions,


The blaring alarm that usually plays isn't what Tommy woke up to today. Instead the breaking of glass on tile followed shortly by a loud shout is what made him open his eyes with a groan. Tommy let out a small string of curses as he rubbed his nose and pain shot through his entire face. He pushes the covers of his legs and try's to ignore the thick sheen of sweat that clung to his skin like honey. His sleep last night had been spotty as a result of stress that he had no recollection of having.

Tommy runs his hand through his golden hair and grimaces when it returned back to him wet. He climbs down the ladder slowly as he makes sure to watch his footing. He walks out of his room and towards the bathroom. He opened the mirror cabinet to find bubblegum toothpaste and frowned as he pulled it out and dropped it into the trash can before taking his own hygiene products from his inventory and using those.

He closes the mirror and takes a good look at himself finding that he was in need of a haircut. His face wasn't much better as there was a small bruise forming on the bridge of his nose where the ladder had hit him and there was still dried blood under his nose. There were small eye bags like their usually is but they seemed deeper today that normal. The sweat wasn't as present on his face anymore but he still leaned over and splashed water onto his face and rubbed a towel over it. 

He went through his routine of brushing his teeth and hair then putting on deodorant before heading back to his room to change. He pulled out his uniform which consisted of a white long sleeved cuff link shirt, blue jeans, and a nice green apron and topless hat and a binder underneath all of this. He puts the apron into his inventory and rolls up his sleeves so that they loosely hang at his wrists. Tommy clicks the back of the hat onto the belt loop on the hip of his jeans. He buttons the sleeves to keep them in place before turning and grabbing his laptop from its charger then leaving down the stairs.

Tommy walks down to the main floor and pauses when he catches sight of phil cleaning the glass offf the floor. The older man dumps the rest of it into the trash can before looking up and right into Tommy's eyes.

"Oh! Good afternoon Abby. I didn't wake you up did I? Techno said something about- wait, are you going on a date or something?" Phil asks as he gestures towards Tommy's work outfit with a kind smile as he turns and places two plates of food onto the table.

"Ehm, I'm just going to work and yeah you did wake me up but it's fine." Tommy shrugs and sets his laptop on the island.

 Phil nods and turns around to grab the other two plates of spaghetti that were also made and he sets them onto the island as well. "Okay, well do you have time to eat a late of scetty?" He asks softly  as he scoots a plate towards Tommy that has a noticeably smaller portion than the other three.

"Im sorry, scetty? Also yeah I have time." Tommy laughs and sits down on the corner stool. He pulls the plate towards himself and takes a forkful, twirling it around for a moment before eating it. It was fine and needed a small bit of garlic salt but it was fine otherwise.

"Ah, shut it child. Don't make fun of me. That's mean." Phil crosses his arms in a joking manner before yelling for the twins to come down for an early dinner.

There's a loud thud from upstairs then some shouting, another bang of body against body then Wilbur falling straight down the stairs face first. Techno follows his falling brother with one hand fixing his hair and the other holding a book. Wilbur grumbles something under his breath and right as he does he grabs technos ankle and techno falls forward.

Insert Where I Askedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें