Prologue ~

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It was the last week of our holiday/honeymoon with the kids, we were sat by the pool it was hot today it was 32 degrees the kids were playing in the pool while me and Martina were enjoying the sun, Martina was reading her magazine, and I was just relaxing while watching the kids playing.

Martina: *Snaps him out of his thoughts* Why don't you go play with them, honey?

Jorge: *Not listening* Mm?

Martina: Jorge? Baby?

Jorge: Yeah?

Martina: I said why don't you go play with them?

Jorge: Nah not right now, I just want to relax.

Martina: Baby, are you okay?

Jorge: Yeah, I'm fine why do you ask?

Martina: I don't know you seem far away, are you thinking of home or work?

Jorge: Why would I be thinking of those things when I have my wife and my kids right here with me?

Martina: Really?

Jorge: Yeah, *Sits up* I love you, Martina.

Martina: I love you too, baby.

Martina sat up and pecked her husband's lips until his phone pinged.

Martina: Who's that?

Jorge: It's work, I'll be five minutes.

Martina: But Jorge...

As he went to get his call, the kids came out of the pool and grabbed their towels and Martina dried Maria.

Ethan: Where did Dad go?

Joshua: Yeah?

Martina: He just went to answer his phone, he shouldn't be too long.

Ethan: That means we won't see him till dinner.

Martina: Ethan, that's your father you are talking about.

The kids sat on their towels and Martina looked over and saw Jorge shouting on the phone he was angry, she put sunscreen on Maria.

Martina: Boys don't forget to put on your sunscreen that sun is hot you'll burn.

Ethan: Okay.

As Martina sat back down, Jorge started to walk back over and instead of lying down he took his top off and jumped in the pool to swim off his anger.

Martina: Boys will you be able to look after Maria well I'm going for a swim.

Joshua: Sure, Maria do you want to play this game?

Martina put everything in her bag and jumped into the pool and swam over to Jorge who was resting by the poolside, and he put his hand through his wet hair.

Martina: Hey, handsome.

Jorge: Hey... beautiful.

Martina went in between his legs, and she felt his hands on her legs, and she put her arms around his neck.

Martina: What's wrong? What was the phone call?

Jorge: Babe, I don't want to talk about it, that's why I came for a swim to swim the anger out.

Martina: Jorge?

Jorge: *Changes the subject* You know you look sexy in this bikini baby.

Martina: You don't look so bad yourself, Jorge.

Jorge: Do you know what if the kids wasn't here, I would take you here and now.

Martina: Jorge!!!

Jorge: Well, I'm not going to of course I was just saying if they weren't here with us this holiday would be more active.

The Governess ✔️ - Jorge & Martina *Book 3* Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz