Chapter 1 - Jorge:

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1 week after ~

Martina and I are finally married and are now a family, we have just come home from our honeymoon/Holiday, the kids are in their rooms while Martina and I are having some time alone until dinner, the house is quite quiet since Olga and Ramallo left us after our wedding, but now we can just enjoy some time with just us and the kids.

Martina: *Reading a magazine* Jorge, honey?

Jorge: *Watching Tv* Mm?

Martina: What do you think of this? *Shows him the picture*

Jorge: Mm, it's nice, baby, *Not paying attention*

Martina: Oh, really? *Notices he's not paying attention* I was thinking of wearing it to the Party.

Jorge: What Party? Oh, that party yeah baby.

Martina: Jorge, you're not paying attention.

Jorge: Babe, you don't need my approval on what to buy if you want it then to get it, it doesn't bother me if you wear it then you can get anything, *Gets up* I'm going to check on the kids.

Martina: Jorge?

Jorge turned towards her and smiled at her to reassure her that it was fine, while Jorge was checking on the kids, the doorbell rang, as Martina went to answer the door, she saw Candelaria and Lodovica.

Martina: *Screams* Ahhh, girls!!! I've missed you so much.

Candelaria: Hey, girl, wow it's been so long since we've seen you since that party.

Martina: How have you both been?

Lodovica: I have met someone.

Martina: Really? Who?

Candelaria: His name is Diego.

Martina: Diego? Diego Dominguez? Do you mean Jorge's co-worker?

Lodovica: Yeah, Him.

Jorge came downstairs after checking on the kids, as he came down, he saw Candelaria and Lodovica.

Jorge: I thought I could hear screaming.

Candelaria: Jorge!!!

Jorge: How are you and Ruggero?

Candelaria: He's umm...

Jorge: Fine? Not fine?

Candelaria: He will hate me for telling you, but he needs his best friend back.

Jorge: What are you talking about?

Candelaria: He's not fine,

Martina: What do you mean?

Jorge: I thought he was an office owner now.

Candelaria: No, Jorge, he is really lost, he fell into a bottle months ago and his new workers hate him.

Jorge: But how come he hasn't called me for help or anything?

Candelaria: Because you know what he's like he's too proud to ask for help, but he misses you.

Jorge: That man will never learn he's been through hell and back for me why would not think I wouldn't do the same for him.

Candelaria: Why don't you visit him?

Jorge: I will, where does he work again?

Candelaria: Downtown, you know the office's name you went there for the Christmas party.

Jorge: Okay, Babe I'll be back later.

Martina: Okay, bye my love.

Jorge: Tell the kids I'll be back soon.

The Governess ✔️ - Jorge & Martina *Book 3* Where stories live. Discover now