The zoo

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I scoff and look around we are in a zoo, it looks like a monkey enclosure. They are many people watching us right now. Some look at me with a judgy face so I give them a even more bitch face back. It's kinda fun to watch those people get all worked up over nothing.

I start walking to the barrier that the separates is from the people. ,,Action!", says a man to a camera he has black, slicked back hair and a grey checkered suit on. He holds a microphone and a coin in the hand. I raise my eyebrows at him. He seems a little........foolish, you could say. He starts talking again. Ughh the sound of his voice is making me want to bleach my ears! I roll eyes as he flipped the coin in the air and turned around to me. I give him a sarcastic smile and he gestures the camera onto me. I give him a pissed look again, he wanted to start talking to me but he first looks around for a second. ,,What's there? Look's like capitol red." He points to the boy who introduced himself as my mentor. 

I start walking away after the black haired man with that annoying voice called for Coriolanus. He pulled me with him though, i try to pull my arm out of his graps but can't, so I just stare daggers into him. He looks down at me and whispers:,,What? I'm just trying to make you seem nice because there's no way you are gonna survive by fighting. Oh and stop looking like you want to murder everyone."  ,,But I want to, espacially you.", I whisper back. ,,Too bad because you can't, now hush."He's gonna be the death of my last brain cell if i continue talking to him. We're standing infront of the camera by now. ,,So what are you doing here.....?", the annoying guy with the grey checkered suit asks. ,,Coriolanus, Coriolanus Snow.", says my mentor rather fast, ,,I wanted to get to know my wonderful tribute Marilyn, she seems really nice actually, you just need to get to know her more." I glare at him but give the camera a fake smile. Get to know me? He doesn't know me at all and everyone here knows it. How obvious is he gonna lie? What an idiot. How is he even still on this acedemy? I thought it was like super exclusive and only for the smartest, he's definitely dumb but he's also really good looking to be honest. How can someones eyes be so blue? I let my thoughts circle around, zoning out not noticing i've been asked a question. Coriolanus nudges me slightly. ,,Hm? What I'm sorry?", I say a little perplex. He rolls his eyes, his pretty, pretty blue eyes........

(so yeah that was this chapter i bet there are like 100 spelling mistakes but uh yeah. Anyways i would love to start writing a little woman ff because we love timothee)

(Ok so it's me it's been like 2 months after I puplished it and god there were many mistakes probably didn't even notice half of them but yk)

His tribute (Coriolanus Snow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now