Ch 4: Frenemies?

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The sunlight streamed across her face, gently and softly, waking the brunette. She stirred and her head hit something hard. She looked up and a devilishly handsome smirk greeted her.

"Morning",drawled on Draco Malfoy's coarse husky bed voice. Before she could help it, she screamed and sat upright, jolting forward.

The events of the previous day came back rushing and she sighed-clearly astonished by the new gorgeous alarm she just installed for herself. She couldn't help but feel a slight tinge to her cheeks by it all, but quickly drove her thoughts away.

"well since I'm up, I'll really not let your sorry arse go to sleep once more. Come on, get up Malfoy, we have to report to McGonagall at 8:00 and it's already 7:25."

"Fine Mom, fine."Draco groaned as he went to the bathroom.

After 30 mins(7:59 a.m.)

"It's all your fault! If you hadn't started singing to Whitney Houston like that I never would have fallen out of my chair laughing my whole generation off and therefore we wouldn't have been late!",Hermione whisper-shouted as they ran through the hallways.

"We are not late! We still have 33 sec to get here and it's not my fault that uncultured people like you never truly appreciate the talents of upcoming artists",Draco hissed as he tried not to run too fast so that Hermione could keep up with him.

"Well hello you two. Right on time!"Professor McGonagall announced her presence as they literally ran to the Great Hall slowing their pace considerably when they saw her. They nodded, slightly embarrassed.

"I wanted you two to be aware of the jobs you are going to undertake this year as Head Boy and Head Girl. Firstly I would like to inform you two about your routines. You are in all subjects together except Charms. You will be doing rounds every night of the entire castle, but of course you will have some of the prefects to assist you. If you would like to, you two can discuss prefect partners on your own. Now, for today, it would be really helpful if you two could show the first years their way to their first classes. Some get a bit lost around here. Also curfew's at 10 for students till 4th years and for above 11:00.If anybody else is seen after that than other prefects, report to me. You are also free to deduct house points."

She paused to look at the two who were a bit apprehensive about the sudden duties on them. She smiled to herself, shooing away her thoughts, and grew serious again.

"I understand that you two aren't exactly what you call bestfriends or even friends, but try to be uh.....frenemies at least, and the rest will click by itself. Remember what this year is all about-change.Don't let anybody get to you. Never. Now go, and I expect that these duties will be executed properly."

The Headmistress got up and went to talk to her fellow peers, who to her utter non-astonishment had already placed their money.

"That was...okay ,I guess."Hermione looked at him waiting for a reply."Trust me, it's alright Granger, you're not the only one feeling awkward right now. But really-'besties'?'frenemies'?What are we 11?"Draco said, sarcasm dripping with every word.

"Well no but some of them are. So how about I take the ones with Charms. Transfiguration and Potions and you take the others to Flying, Hagrid's and Botany? We'll meet up at the 2nd floor staircase at about 8:50 and walk to class-our first one is Potions, i.e. at 9",Hermione chalked out the entire plan, not even thinking about it.

"Eager to walk to class together, Granger?"Malfoy taunted her, loving every miniscule of irritation ,embarrassment and annoyance on her face at the moment.

"Die",Hermione walked over to the Gryffindor table to have her breakfast, as her stomach led a large growl. As if on cue, the other students started walking into the Great Hall, grumpy and morning-mooded as hell.

Soon enough, Hermione saw her friends making their way to the Gryffindor table.

"Hi 'Mione",they managed to chorus as they sat down .

Ginny sat down next to her , a mischievous smile flitted across her lips." did last night go? Did you and Malfoy get to uh-genital gossip?"

Hermione's face grew as red as Ron's hair who was sitting opposite to her-his nose scrunched up in disgust."Oh please-Malfoy's 'charms' won't work on her. Besides, she knows that he's an evil crap."

"Yeah-a handsome evil crap",Harry winked at Hermione as she glared at him."If you want to Harry , I can fix you up with him-he's single right now",Hermione replied, an amused smirk, which Ginny returned.

"Ginny, now is the time to be overprotective and unbearable !"Harry cried wailing like a baby.

"Well-I guess I didn't know you were into your own kind Harry. Oh I must report this to Rita Skeeter-she will absolutely flip!"Ginny laughed, but couldn't help her eyes as they turned grey. 'Overprotective? Unbearable?' Ginny thought to herself, frowning.

Ron looked at all of them , shocked. Even Seamus and Dean were laughing.

'What the hell is wrong with them?',he thought. But he decided not to say anything. Not yet.

Hermione rose up as she finished her breakfast."I've got to go guys. I have to show the first years to their classes. With that ferret",she said as she made a vomiting face. They chuckled.

"Don't say anything inappropriate to Malfoy in front of the first years 'Mione!"Harry grinned as Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Or rather do anything inappropriate!", Neville laughed.

Hermione shook her head in defeat, slightly red in the face.

She walked up to Malfoy who was standing patiently at the exit of the Great Hall, munching on an apple. Hermione couldn't help but stare transfixed at his oh-goddamn-throat bobbing up and down. She looked away as she mumbled something about getting to class or how boys were with stupid green apples.

"Cat got your tongue Granger? Or am I just that intimidating?",the Slytherin smirked as they grouped the first years and left, trying to muffle their excited squeals.

After 10 mins(9:05 a.m.)

"Today class-w are about to make Amortentia. Now, can any of you describe or define the portion?"No sooner had Professor Slughorn asked the question than two hands shot up in the air.

"Yes-Mr. Malfoy?",Slughorn asked slightly bemused.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them",Draco recited as far as he could remember.

He sat down beside a bewildered Hermione who had her mouth open, never expecting HIM to be competition.

"Close your mouth Granger. You don't look...graceful",Draco said as he looked at her peony pink lips slightly parted. Unknowingly, he felt something in his stomach.

But of course, he brushed it off.

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