Ch 10: MY Property

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Warning: Contains violence and abuse. Read at your own risk.

Monday morning was interesting to say the least. Definitely not because of the fact that Ron and lavender were intently making out in the great hall. Again. But because Hermione Granger, certified nerd, was wearing makeup her, hair styled in a high ponytail, which practically made all the boys drool over her. And there she was, enjoying her time, flirting with Cormac McLaggen. Damn moves though.

"Drakey poo, you can woo the living shit out of every damn girl in Hogwarts, except Gryffindor's princess,huh?"Blaise chuckled as he and Theo had a good laugh at the brooding Slytherin.

"Oh please, I could easily get her if i wanted to. Besides ,there isn't a single girl who won't be charmed by the Malfoy factor."Draco smirked ,but broke into fits of cough, as he caught sight of McLaggen, that piece of chicken touching Hermione's cheek .And why the hell was she blushing? She isn't supposed to like him. It's she doesn't like him. He turned back to his friends."She's using him as rebound material. And probably to make Weasley jealous. And I guess it's working too."

Indeed, it was true. The look which Ron Weasley gave Hermione Granger was worth the whole bloody plan. And not to mention, the Gryffindor princess was the school's hot topic for the entirety of the week.

Wherever Draco went, it was like 'Hermione this, Hermione that 'Oh and some of the rumors he had heard.

He would like to laugh about the hilariousness of them with Hermione herself, but merlin knows where she was all the time.

After 2 whole weeks of tolerating the torture that Hermione Jean Granger, of all people, had Draco Malfoy going through, he snapped.

After dinner, while all of the students were bidding adieus to their fellows, the Slytherin was glaring at the back of Cormac McLaggen's head as he held Hermione's hand, making a joke which Hermione tentatively laughed at .

They were now at the foothill of the Astronomy Tower, which was Hermione's usual vigilance area. Draco cautiously hid behind pillar to pillar as he somehow managed to sneak past Mr. Filch and his devil of a cat-Mrs. Norris.

He was close enough to hear them now.

"So should we do it tonight baby?"McLaggen asked Hermione , as he suddenly kissed her roughly on the lips, causing the startled Gryffindor to drop her ever-so-precious bag pack to the floor.

However, she quickly recovered from the shock and broke off the kiss, pushing McLaggen away slightly."I'm not ready. And please don't keep asking me the question. We've just started dating,"said she frustrated.

McLaggen gripped her throat and slammed her against the wall.

"Ugh! You are just a know-it-all slut, aren't you? Using the excuse of you're not ready.Pfft-no wonder Weasley dumped such a cocktease "Hermione shrieked, but her cry came out strangled, under the building pressure on her throat.

A light second hadn't passed by , when Cormac McLaggen went flying to the threshold of the staircase and punch after punch was thrown, until Hermione had to pull Draco off the poor wretch, withering on the ground, her face a canvas, masterpieced(A/N: Your welcome for the  new word Shakespeare) by the fuming Slytherin, who held Hermione's wrist tightly, as if he was afraid that she would be snatched away from him.

He fixed his tie as he said,"Nobody and by that, I mean no-fucking-body lays a finger on MY property. Or next time, you won't have fingers left to point at people."Seeing McLaggen crying his pants off, he huffed, satisfied and turned around to walk to his dorm room. Hermione in tow with him.

There hung an odd silence around them. Neither could recognize the scent. Nevertheless, they stayed quiet.

Everyone stopped what they were doing as soon as Hermione and Draco entered the room.

Even Ron stopped boasting about his recent victory at Wizard's Chess against Harry to Lavender, for a second. And in that second, when he saw Draco gripping his ex girlfriend's wrist in a possessive way, like concrete or something, he huffed an indignant revolt, and turned his attention back to his girlfriend.

Along with him, the others also tore their cryptic eyes off the pair, reluctantly though as Draco glared daggers at them. The dark silver of his orbs swirling wildly.

Blaise, however noticed the slightly uneven breathing Draco had and the sudden color on his sculpted cheekbones. In conclusion, several bets were made around the room, and oh boy! The prices! The door to their dorm closed, and immediately a symphony of busy humming, went around the room.

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