Grooms Little Bride

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~~ let me touch you were your heart is ~~

'God i don't even know why i came to Calum's wedding. He's my fucking ex.' I sipped on some champagne talking to my best friend , Kendra.

'I heard her name is Audrey. Sounds like a whore to me.' I grabbed the drink from Kendra. The wedding had just started and she was already tipsy.

There was people dancing on the floor and it was making me more pissed of by the moment.

I looked at Calum. He looked very handsome , i must admit. He was in a white tux dancing with the gorgeous Audrey. No wonder he invited me to this poo-party. She was bloody gorgeous.

'I wanna do a toast!' Kali Moa says , standing up. I'll never forget her. She was such a bitch to me when Calum and I were dating.

'God , she talks a lot.' I say putting my head into my hands.

I saw Calum walk out of the wedding region as it was an open air wedding. Yes , he had a wedding on the beach. I got up from my seat walking towards him. Dont you dare call me needy.

'Hey Calum!' I called out for him , getting his attention. And there was his smile.

'Zara! Thanks for coming. You have no idea how good it's to see you again.' He said as he hugged me with one arm , the other one holding a glass.

'I just wanted to say congratulations. You did it! You got married.. yeah.. I never thought Calum Hood would get married.' I said with a bit of emotion cause as i recall , when we dated , he said the last thing on his mind was getting married.

'Yeah well , Audrey , she tricked me into it.' He put his hand into his pockets.

'She seems like a really (slutty) nice girl.' I said , smiling the widest i had in my life.

'Zara , i dont want this to be awkward. I want us to be friends. We once used to share love and now i just want to share happiness. Please dont make it awkward.' He sipped on some beer.

'Why should i make it awkward? Me.. .HA! I never make things awkward!' I fake laughed , realising i just made things awkward.

'Well me and Kendra are leaving soon so i guess this is goodbye? And take care?' I opened my arms , some of the champagne spilling on the sand.

'Goodbye dear Zara. Take care. By the way how was the cake?' He walked me back towards the wedding as i rambled about the amazing strawberry cake.

I sat down at the table , Kendra on her phone. I saw a very Australian looking boy talking to Audrey. Oh god , she was giving him the pity headshake. She walked away as he angrily sat back down , saying something about 'babies.'

Then there it was. Our eyes met and i dont think i ever felt anything so beautiful.


'We're fucking late.' Harry says , locking the volkswagen behind me.

{a/n:Yeah i know Harry is Ashton's 10 year old (i think) little brother but lets just imagine Harry is like 17 and Ashton is 20 for this story}

'It's Audrey's wedding. She's my ex Harry , it would be better if we came at the end actually.' I said getting ready for the pain , ready to see the guy she fucked over me.

'I actually have no idea why she invited us.' My sister Lauren said.

I nodded to her as in 'I know right?' way

'What a beautiful wedding.' My brother Harry said , sipping on the very expensive champagne. We sat down at the assigned table with our surnames on it.

'Yeah totally , but what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore.' I said as Harry and Lauren spit out their champagne at the same time.

'Ashton!' Harry said , wiping his jacket.

'What?! You promised me that if i came along i had the right to whine.' I drank the champagne in one sip. Literally.

Then my eyes saw him. Yeep , the groom. What the fuck was he doing marrying Audrey? He had tattoos and shit. He looked like he escaped from jail to come here.

'I would like to do a toast!' A girl looking like the groom said

'She's hot.' Harry said , eyeing her up and down.

'She's one of the bridesmaid.' Lauren simply said playing with her fingers.

'Ashton!' I felt a familiar delicate hand be placed on my shoulder.

'Audrey!' I said back to her , hugging her quickly.

'Thanks for showing up. I honestly thought you weren't going to show up. You know... You're quite sensitive.' I sniffled a bit when talking.


'Why shouldn't i come?' I placed my hands in my pockets , trying my best not to fuck up my talking.

'Cause um... nevermind. Hope you're doing well being alone and so... I see you didn't bring a date to our wedding.' She did this little pitiful look as if i was going to die without her.

Well i kind of went into depression and non-stop eating ice-cream phase after we broke up.

'I'm doing great Audrey , thanks for your concern.' I nodded my head. Hope i didnt look desperate.

'Well hope you enjoy the wedding.' She said walking back where she was sitting. But before that bitch walked away she did this nodding thing with her head as if she pitied me.

'I hope her babies end up ugly.' I sat down crossing my arms , Harry and Lauren laughing.

And just as i thought nothing was going good i saw this gorgeous human being looking back at me. And then , that moment everything felt okay.

'Dude wanna get high for this?' Lauren whispered into my ear so Harry wouldn't hear.



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