The Conjuring Cabin of Lake Tahoe

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You awoke the next morning. dreams you thought. You look around and see someone right next to you. Bringing your eyes into focus you see the long blue locks and the back of  someone's head. Blush intensely you start wiggling down and out of the shared bed. The figure stirs and rolls to face you. As suspected, the blue eyes of River open and groggily look at you. He see your face painted with crimson and he opens his mouth. "I promise nothing happened!" He frantically starts in a whisper. "Wyatt's here too, You can ask him." He sits up to revel the sleeping face of the red head next to him. We just didn't have enough beds and we drunkanly said we should all share beds. Ryan is sleeping with Seth and Josh." "O-oh.. Okay You say a bit more relived but still embarrassed. You look down, at least your in you pajama t-shirt and nothing exposing. 

You scoot out of the wall spot you've been pinned into and make your way to the bathroom. Hoping in the shower you push the thoughts of sleeping next to River to the back of your mind. Why didn't I have nightmares last night? Maybe the alcohol? How much did I even have? Finishing up your shower you join half the guys in the kitchen who are all already dressed and ready for breakfast. 

"Morning, y/n." Wyatt smiles at you. "Morning! So what do we have planned today?" "There's an owner of a cabin in California who contacted us about the paranormal they have been dealing with." Ryan says rubbing his eyes. "Sound fun! When do we head out?" You look at Josh. He has an empty look on his face. "Hey lets go outside and talk okay y/n?" Josh says. "O-oh okay." You follow him. He looks upset. I hope I didn't say anything wrong last night.  You follow Josh out onto the balcony overlooking the Red River. It was a beautiful fall morning and you could see your breath. 

"Look y/n, Steve called me and said he's got some shoots set up in Japan

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"Look y/n, Steve called me and said he's got some shoots set up in Japan. I don't wanna miss this and I have to leave today in like an hour." Josh says quietly looking down at the river. "O-oh that's okay. I understand Josh." You smile faintly at him. "I'm sorry to just leave you with the guys. Seth said he'd stay if your to nervous to just go off with them." He adds. "No I'll be fine. We've all been talking a lot since we meet at the cave and I think it will be okay." You glance behind you and see River and Ryan casting glances at you and Josh sitting outside. "I trust them. Rivers been there for me a lot these last few months." "I'm sorry I haven't been here more for ya." "Josh really! Your growing your channel and figuring you out! I'm happy for you. Maybe this is my big chance to do something big for myself!" You tilt your face up at the warm sun. "Good." He smiles softly. "I'm going to hit the road. Take care of yourself. I'll see you soon. Okay?" "Of course! Don't get to famous for me." You give him a side hug and he gets up and goes inside. 

Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada Mountains, California.

"Welp, I didn't think we were going to do another cabin but were in the woods! and I don't see a damn taco bell!" River states as Ryan points the camera at him. "Why do you fucking do this?! Every time?" Ryan annoyedly asks. Wyatt and you start giggling in the back and Ryan swings the camera around. "Oh by the way ghost gang, y/n has officially joined our team!" Ryan announces. "Noooo not yet she has to fight a bear first!" River yells. "Well she might need to because this is like the 15th time that we forgot the bear spray..." Wyatt says glaring at Ryan. "AHHH excuse me I've got a tiny knife!" Ryan rolls his eyes. "Oh good." Wyatt rolls them back. "So in case y/n cant fight off the gigantic bears I've got at lease a two inch blade." Ryan teases. "Perfect." Wyatt says stone faced. Ryan breaks into manical giggling. 

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