Hockomock Swamp

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You awake in a cold sweat. You look around and realize your in your new room at the ghost house. You don't remember walking in the house last night. You must have been so tired from the video you zombie walked inside. You exit you room and walk down the hall and see the guys in their office editing. Grabbing your laptop and camera off the counter you sit next to Wyatt and begin pulling footage off you camera and place it into the editor you used with Josh many times before. 

After a few hours Ryan sits back groaning loudly. "I'm starvinggggg." He complained. "Why don't we go to the mall?" Wyatt suggests. "y/n needs to get some stuff to decorate her room and we can get food there." Ryan turns to look at you. "Oh man I do love me some mall food." River scoots back and goes to his room. "Let me change and well go." He called. You walked outside behind Ryan and Wyatt and pile into the Jeep again. River comes out in his usual techware and hops in the car. You all drive to mall and get out and Wyatt wanders around with you for a few hours getting things for the house.

~Back at the house~

Wyatt helps you bring your few bags into the house and into your room. He helps you put up lights and different décor items. Hours later Ryan and River enter. "Wow almost unrecognizable, y/n! Good job Wyatt Stewart" Ryan teases. "Yeah this is cute.." River walks to the décor vines hanging from your wall and gently touches them. 

"Are these pictures you too?" Ryan asks approaching one of the walls

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"Are these pictures you too?" Ryan asks approaching one of the walls. "Yeah, Most of those are from when I was still doing abandoned with Josh." Wyatt turns to a framed picture of you, Josh, and Wyatt on the wall. "You miss him, huh." You look over at the wall containing selfies of You, Josh, The twin, Wyatt, and others. "Yeah." Ryan rushes to you. "Well! go get your gear packed! We have an investigation in Massachusetts! We've got a plane to catch!" He goes rushing out of the room grabbing River by the arm. Wyatt shrugs, smiling at you and leaves the room. You smile sighing and begin unplugging camera batteries and your laptop shoving them into your bag. 

~Somewhere in Rode island~ 

You leave the baggage claim area and walk to where the cars are lined up picking up family and friends. You look down at your phone and begin to open Uber. "No need." Ryan pokes your arm. You look up at him and he points. You follow his finger and see him. The blondish brown hair and scraggly facial hair of, "Josh!" You yell and run at your old friend. He catches you in a hug. "I saw your video with the guys! You were sick!" You laugh pulling away from him. "I felt sick there! What are you doing here?" I flew back from Japan this morning and Ryan called and said you guys were doing a video in Massachusetts at a place you and I have already been and he wanted to interv..." You cut him off. "Hockomock Swamp...The triangle...Really Ryan?" You turn to him and he smiles and shrugs. "Well lets go!" He quickly shuffles everyone off the pavement and into Josh's car. 

~Josh's house, Rode Island.~

"Woah look at that cat! Where's your nose?" Ryan bends down talking to Josh's cat. 

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