Piper Opera House

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 The flight back from Rhode Island came in early, so once you and the guys had climbed into the car and made it home, your dead. You slink off to your room and collapse in your bed. You wake in a cold sweat hours later, "I know I had a dream but I cant remember what it was about.." You think reaching for your phone. 1am. You roll and face the celling. laying there lost in thought, River pushes his way to the front of your thoughts. You missed him talking to you late at night when the insomnia kept both of you up. 

You turned and picked up your phone again. 2am it read. You sighed and sit up and decided to go sit in the living room. Maybe the change in scene would help. Grabbing your blanket and wrapping it around yourself, You walk down the cold tied hall to the dark living room. Once you entered the room you see the back of someone's head and the glow of a screen. You approached and see River sitting there with his feet up working on some research for your next location. "Hey.." You quietly say pulling your blanket tighter around you. "Oh, hey" he says jumping a bit at your presents. "Can I sit?" You ask shuffling your feet. "Yeah sure." He says. You walk around the L-Shaped couch and sit near him. You guys sit in silence for awhile just the clicking of Rivers keys breaks the awkward silence. You turn and look at him. "Are you going to ask Ryan to kick me off the team?" River nearly drops his computer. "Huh? What are you talking about, y/n?" He turns his head towards you. "Well, I kinda lost my shit at the cabin and I keep blacking out. I don't want you guys to get tired of me being a drag. I don't want to lose my friendship with you." "y/n." River starts he puts his computer down next to him and puts his feet down and turns to you, softly he places a hand on your leg that's crossed in front of you. "I don't think your a drag, and yeah I will admit it did scare me a bit when you lost you shit at the cabin and at the conjuring house but.." He pauses looking down at the couch. "I think its so impressive how passionate you were for the woman that joe murdered even though he pulled you into the night mare and showed you those awful things. I admire you so much, y/n. I would absolutely lose myself if something happened to you while you're with me." You blush looking down at Rivers ringed finger that were now mindlessly playing with the edge of your blanket. "I'm sorry I snapped at you at the cabin. I was really scared for you to be alone. I'm sorry I distanced myself. I'm not sure what to feel or how to act when I'm near you sometimes." He takes his hand and places it softly on the side of your cheek making you look up at him. He places his forehead against yours. "I hope you can forgive me. I don't want to lose our friendship." You smile and close your eyes taking in his warmth. "Of course River. I care for you so much too. Thank you for looking out for me. Just please don't back away from me again. I didn't realize how much I've come to need you." He pulls away smiling at you his dimples on full show. "You wanna see where were going next?" He asks turning and scooting next to you more and placing his computer in his lap. You scoot close to him listening to him talk quietly and you fall asleep quickly.

You awake who knows how many hours later the sun pouring into the living room. You sit up and look around, River is still next to you he had his feet back up and had slid down a bit on the couch, His head slanted to the shoulder than you had been laying on. His laptop closed and tossed to the side. You take your blanket off and place it over River and walk to the bathroom. You walk past the kitchen and see Wyatt standing there. He smirks at you. "Sleep well?" You roll your eyes, sticking your tongue out and walk past. "Don't wake him up I don't know how much sleep he's gotten this week." 

You exit the bathroom to only be face to face with Wyatt. His hair disheveled and glasses on. "Sooooo....Did you guys make up?" He questions with a teasing undertone. "Um. Yeah. He told me why he's been distant and I apologized for being a crutch on you guys." You begin quickly walking towards your room hoping to avoid the conversation more. As your about to enter the doorway to your room, a heavily tattooed arm comes across the doorway in your face blocking your way making you almost run into it. "What's the rush?" Ryan giggled, leaning more into the doorway. "Oh you know just slept on the couch, I feel gross and would like to change." You awkwardly cover yourself remembering your only in a night shirt and short. "I heard River slept on the couch with you." Ryan continues. "Wow, news travels fast in this house, almost like we run a gossip channel." You roll your eyes and slide under Ryan's arm. "It's not what you guys think. River and I talked. I apologized, He apologized. We are friends again. That's all." 

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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