Chapter 3

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November 18, 2009
Whispering Spring Farm
"Pipe, I seriously have no jdes why Spartan won't take that triple bar." I said in frustration as I turned Spartan back around. Even though it was cold out, the benefit of the farm was the indoor arena that was big enough to practice jumping. "He takes the two double oxers just fine! I don't get it."

"Desi, you just gave to keep practicing." Piper replied trying to calm me down. "You've been show jumping since what July?" I nodded before she continued, "You have caught on so fast, you're a natural." I watched as she and Comanche did the course and nailed it easily. "Try it again."

I sighed before clucking at Spartan again. We got over the first couple jumps fine. Made it over the two double oxers, I clucked at him again as we approached the triple bar. Only for him to refuse again. "Urgh!!!! Spartan just take the jump!" I looked over at Tiffany, "Tiffany I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

"Just keep your legs on him more, and don't pull back on him as you approach the jump.: Tiffany replied as she walked back to the middle of the arena "Do it again."

I did the course again only for Spartan to jump the triple bar but knock two of the bars off. "I give up!!" I exclaimed.

"You will get it." Tiffany replied as she grabbed a hold of Spartan. "That's enough for today, we will try again tomorrow before you leave for Florida." 

We watched her walk away. I went to say something to Puper before hearing an unfamiliar voice from behind us. "You're still pulling back too much on him as you approach the jump."

Looking behind me I saw the girl who Piper and myself had been competing against all season."Gianna?" I asked as she nodded. "What are you doing here?"

"I switched barns." She replied before looking over her shoulder as one of the grooms walked her horse Moon past into his stall. "Now try it again. Just remember to keep leg on him but don't pull back on your reins go with him."

I nodded as I tried the course again. With everything Gianna said as I approached the triple bar, I kept my legs on him but eased on the reins. And cleared the jump. I smiled when I heard the claps from Piper and Gianna. Before glancing at her, as she mouthed "again." I went to do the jump again and just as I did a huge noise sounded spooking Spartan who refused as I went over his head. Next thing I knew was I was on the ground, with Piper and Gianna by my side.

"Desi are you okay?!" Piper asked looking at my ankle. "Your ankle bent the wrong way."

Nodding I had them help me up only to realize I couldn't walk on my right ankle. Just what I needed an ankle injury during training season.

November 22, 2009
Homestead Miami- Final race in 2009 Cup season

"Are you gonna make it Desi?" I heard Ryan ask as I finally caught up with him and Chase.

"If you two would walk slower then yeah I would. You realize it's hard to go fast with these crutches right?" I said in between breaths. The past 4 days of being on crutches after my fall off of Spartan hasn't been fun. I ended up causing a stress fracture and now have to be on crutches now.

"Maybe if you wouldn't of fallen off Spartan you wouldn't be slow." Chase joked while I gave him a look.

"Shut up the only reason I'm here is to cheer on Jeff Gordon." I replied before hobbling off towards his car.

It was a fun weekend in Homestead Miami even though the end of the season race didn't go the way I wanted with Jeff Gordon finishing 3rd in points it had been a fun Nascar season.

It had been a long year getting use to living in Dawsonville. But I had finally started accomplishing those dreams I had always wanted. I was finally working on my equine eventing dream, I had a great group of friends around me and finally felt normal. Little did I know what was to come

That was Chapter 3 please vote and let me know what you thought.

Chapter 4 coming soon

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