Chapter 4

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June 9, 2013
Chase's Arca Race

"So friend, how are you feeling about your ARCA race today?" I asked looking over at Chase who was leaning up against his car.

"I feel fine. It's just like the other ARCA races I've been in." Chase replied as he turned to face me. I couldn't help but stare at him as he got closer. Ever since my family moved to Dawsonville him and I had gotten closer and closer as the years went on. But something had been different between us in 2013. We were getting ready to get into our junior of high school. As we stared at each other it felt like we were the only two in the world. That's when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey babe." I looked over to see Kaylie and her group of friends walking over to us. "Desiree of course your here."

"Kaylie, yeah of course I am. Not like I'm supporting my best friend of anything." I replied rolling my eyes but smiled when I saw Ryan walking up with Piper and Gianna not too far behind him.

"Hey guys." I heard Ryan say as he got close. "Chase just wanted to cheer you on. You got this man." I smiled as they bumped fists.

Chase nodded before being interrupted by Kaylie. "Well we should get going since it's gonna start. Bye." As she pulled Chase in the direction of his car, the three of us stared at each other as we watched them walk away.

"Come on besties let's go find ourselves a spot." Gianna said as she hooked arms with Piper and I.

During race
"So Desi, when are you gonna tell Chase that you 100% have feelings for him?" Piper asked as we waited for Ryan to come back with our drinks.

"What? I don't have feelings for Chase." I replied as I gave her a look.

"Yeah right. We've seen the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. There are unspoken feelings there." Gianna spoke up as I switched my gaze to her.

"Really, unspoken feelings?" I asked as she nodded. "Okay Miss I so don't think Ryan Blaney is hot." I smirked as Piper laughed and Gianna smiled.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Gianna exclaimed as she gestured towards Ryan as he was walking up with our drinks.

"Of course you don't." Piper laughed as he joined us.

We watched the arca race and Chase ended up winning. We all were able to hang out in victory lane with him even if I didn't want to be around Kaylie. As we celebrated Chase and I made eye contact and it once again felt like it was only the two of us in the moment. Was I just imagining my feelings or was I pushing away what I really felt towards him to help myself with the idea of not being able to have him, I thought to myself. Only time would tell

July 15, 2013
"Yes sir I understand." I heard my dad say as I came down the stairs of our house. "Are you sure there isn't anyone else that can cover the position?" I walked into the kitchen to see my dad sitting at our kitchen table on the phone. I quietly sneaked towards the fridge and got out a drink. Before turning around and making eye contact with my dad as my mom came in from outside.

I stood there as my dad hung up the phone and looked at my mom. "So what was that conversation about?" I glanced from my mom back to my dad.

"They had a position open up, higher ranking and more pay." My dad started before looking at my mom. "The only thing is.."

"What is it?" My mom asked as she sat down next to my dad.

"If I take the offer we would have to move back to Fort Wayne. He needs me in the main building." My dad started before looking at me.

"Wait what?" I questioned. "Move back to Fort Wayne? No we haven't lived there in years."

"Yes I know. But that is where he would need me to transfer." my dad answered before sighing. "Desiree, listen..."

"No you listen!" I interrupted him. "You made us move to some small town 4 years ago. A place we didn't even want to. But we did." I didn't realize my voice was raising but I kept going. "A place that we all felt out of place, but we meet Cindy, Bill & Chase. They made us feel welcomed, became our best friends. I met Piper and she has become my ride or die. Because of Chase I gained Ryan as a friend. And then heck with the show jumping a girl I considered a rival has become one of my best friends as well. We can't leave now!"

"Desiree he hasn't even made a decision yet honey." My mom spoke up trying to calm me down.

"What ever, if you transfer you'll be ruining the life I've made here. But do what ever you need." I snapped as I went out the back door.

A few hours later
I hadn't even noticed how much time had actually passed since my fight with my dad. I had been sitting my our pool when I sensed someone walking up behind me. "I want to be alone. I'll apologize to dad later." I started as I heard the person get closer, "Ryder I said leave me alone."

"I guess it's a good thing I'm not Ryder." I quickly looked over my shoulder to see Chase standing behind me. I watched as he sat down next to me. "So Desi, want to talk about it?"

"No." I quietly said avoiding eye contact with him.

"Come on. Since when don't you want to tell me?" Chase asked scooting closer to me. "We tell each other everything, most of the time. Tell me."

I glanced up at him before beginning, "my dad got offered a job opportunity. Better position and pay."

"That's awesome for him. I don't see what the problem is." Chase replied.

"The issue is the position is only an option if he transfers back to Indiana." I said trying to keep the tears back.

"Oh. Gotcha." Chase quietly said not sure of what to say.

"I can't go back to Indiana, Chase I can't." taking a breath in I made eye contact with him before letting him speak.

"Why not?" Chase asked.

"Because if I go back to Indiana I lose this." Breaking eye contact with him as I looked around the backyard before regaining eye contact. "If I leave I'll loose Piper, Ryan, Gianna... you. I can't loose you Chase."

My response must of taken him by surprise cause he looked down before responding. "Even if you don't live here, you wouldn't loose Piper, Ryan or Gianna." Looking across the pool I felt a hand touch my chin moving my gaze back to his. "And you definitely would never loose me."

In another moment of feeling like it was just him and I in the world, it was like gravity was pulling us together as we both leaned in. I froze for a second before connecting his lips with mine. As we pulled away the feeling of his forehead against resting against mine, made my body relax. All I wanted was him and the taught of losing all of it was torture.

And in that moment I was determined to not loose any of it.

That was Chapter 4 please vote and comment what you think

Chapter 5 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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