Chapter 13: The Great Hero Arrives

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Sasuke hacked up blood onto the ground as his Susanoo avatar, which glowed a brilliant silver compared to his canon violet, faded away. Sasuke crumpled to his knees as his Mangekyo Sharingan reverted back to his regular onyx eyes, his chakra nearly fully depleted.

Sasuke grit his teeth as he struggled to his feet and glared at Itachi, who still had his Sharingan activated. He grabbed Sasuke by the throat and slammed him into the ground.

"Now... let's finish this, Sasuke." He declared as his eyes morphed into the Mangekyo Sharingan.


Hinata was coughing up blood as her eyes bled. Her fiery form was long gone and her hair was back to the dark black that it was. Her chakra is almost completely empty, and her arms were burnt completely to charred stumps. Her white eyes were dull as she could barely breathe.

Kisame grinned down at her, "You were pretty strong for a kid. I'm honestly impressed. That form of yours even made you physically stronger than even that brat Naruto. But..." He raised Samehada as he pointed it at her, "It is time for you to die, kiddo."


At the same time, a burst of overwhelming pressure and chakra filled the air, so pungent and robust it physically weighed down on everyone there.

At the same time, I landed on the bridge with my eyes glowing ominously. I held out my hand as I placed a ring on my finger and clenched my fist, "Lend me your strength... Rika!" I called out as my chakra reserves surged immensely, to the point that it rivaled the Nine-Tails within me.

Behind me formed a much larger and more powerful form of Rika as she revealed two glowing blue eyes that looked exactly like my own.

I stepped forward as Itachi and Kisame eyed me warily. I clapped my hands twice as Sasuke and Hinata were both teleported in front of me.

Sasuke groaned with wide eyes as a look of immense relief washed over him before he passed out. Hinata smiled softly before she too fell unconscious.

I held a hand to both of them as a greenish glow encased both their bodies. I've achieved it... The ability to wield Negative Chakra, or the Reverse Chakra Technique. I smirked as Kisame ran forward towards me. I waved my hand lazily at him and his eyes widened in shock as massive gashes appeared all across his body with enough to send him flying and crashing into the ground.

Itachi ran towards me and opened his Mangekyo Sharingan as I raised my palm to him as we both said, "Amaterasu!"

The techniques canceled each other out as Itachi stopped momentarily in shock. "You... copied my ability?" He deduced.

I grinned, "Yup. Thanks to you guys, I've awakened quite a bit more of my power than ever before." I stated as my eyes glowed. "Reversal Antigravity System." I declared as Itachi found himself being crushed under the weight of gravity itself.

I picked up Sasuke and Hinata and handed them off to Rika, "Keep them safe for me, won't you, Rika?" I said as she smiled and said,

"Of course, Naruto!"

I nodded and turned around. I clapped my hands again as Kakashi appeared next to me. Badly beaten, but nowhere near where Sasuke and Hinata were at.

I lightly placed my hand on his shoulder and he was almost instantly healed and his chakra reserves were restored. Kakashi looked up at me in shock as a smile graced his features, "Since when could you heal others?" He asked.

I smiled at him with a smug look, "Since I nearly died. Stay back here, I'll take care of these guys." I said.

"Wait! Won't you-?"

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