Chapter 12: Sasuke Uchiha and Hinata Hyuga vs Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki

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A/N: That was closest thing I could find to Hinata and Sasuke standing next to each other without kissing each other or something. 

Sasuke's eyes widened as his eyes started morphing, changing shape. His eyes bled as his eyes morphed into the Mangekyo Sharingan. "I know I promised him to talk it out with you... To find out why you really did what you did that night... About how willing you were to murder the clan including my mother and I..." Sasuke looked up at Itachi with pure, unbridled wrath filling his eyes, "But now? I don't care anymore. You took away my light, my Sun. You killed my best friend, my brother from another mother... For that, I don't care how long it takes. I will kill you. An eye for an eye. I will avenge my brother!" Sasuke declared as he took off in a blur and clashed blades with his older brother.

Itachi's eyes widened as Sasuke's right eye widened and his blade was coated in black flames, "Kagutsuchi: Blade of Muramasa!" Sasuke roared as his sword easily melted Itachi's katana and almost cleaved the man in half. Sasuke narrowed his eyes upon the man he used to look up to, to the man he used to think of as a brother, to the man he wanted to be like one day. Now, he viewed him only with complete and utter contempt for the death of the one he now viewed as his brother. To the man who he gave his blood, sweat, and tears for. The one who saved him, protected him, cared for him, and took care of him and his mother, who wouldn't even be alive right now if it weren't for him.

Itachi narrowly dodged another swing of the blade and his eyes widened in shock as a miniscule smile formed on his face, To push me as much as you are... you've already nearly reached the level of an S-Class, younger brother. This rate of growth and strength... I see. I went about it all wrong. I tried to make your hatred for me as a way to make you grow. Instead, you just needed someone for you to love wholeheartedly...

Itachi delivered a fist straight into Sasuke's gut, causing him to cough up spittle as he was lifted off of his feet. Sasuke rolled across the ground as a glowing silver ribcage formed around him. Sasuke gripped his katana tightly as he wiped off his mouth with the back of his hand, glaring down at the traitor. I was already running low on chakra before that bastard showed up. I got about five minutes at most before I'm at the point where I can't use chakra without dying.

Itachi's eyes widened in shock, He has enough chakra to use Susanoo? But it doesn't look like it. So how... Then he glanced over at the forest where Naruto's body laid within, ... Did Naruto do something to him? Itachi sighed, To think Naruto cared so much for him... I underestimated you, Naruto. Although I killed you... if I had the chance to... I would try to become friends with you. Itachi bent backwards as he narrowly dodged a sword stab and then spun to the side, skidding across the ground when Sasuke's sword shot down. That type of kenjutsu is something I'm not aware of either. Did Naruto train him too? Itachi felt like his respect for the boy had reached an all-time high. Itachi threw a kunai at Sasuke as he batted it aside and rushed his older brother.

Sasuke's eyes glowed with power as he flipped around and delivered a backspin kick to the side of Itachi's face, smacking him to the side as Sasuke then dropped and almost took Itachi's legs out from underneath him. Itachi shot a fireball laced with shuriken within it as Sasuke leaped back. He deactivated power of his technique on his blade and Itachi drew out a spare from a crow that appeared out of nowhere, A genjutsu, and clashed blades with each other.

Sasuke spun through one-handed signs and his body erupted into lightning, "Chidori Current!" Sasuke declared before he pointed his blade at Itachi. He smirked as Itachi's eyes widened in alarm. "Chidori: Chain Lightning Current!" The wild lightning changed and shot out from the tip of his blade as multiple concentrated streams of lightning shot forth and honed in on Itachi, even if he tried to avoid it with genjutsu.

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