Chapter One

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***A/N: Not proofread - Just an idea I couldn't get out of my head! ***

Readers POV
The big band was striking up their next song as I left the dance floor heading towards the bar in search of a glass of champagne.
It had been years since I'd attended a Roosevelt Christmas Eve ball and I'd forgotten just how intense it could be. With the ballroom decorated to the nines, Christmas trees glistening in every corner, I dipped my gaze and quickened my pace before anyone else tried to stop me.

Being an ambassadors daughter, and my fathers plus one for the evening, I'd spent the majority of the night speaking to, and dancing with his colleagues and political associates. Now all I wanted was a few minutes to myself without making pleasantries and small talk.

Approaching the bar, I side stepped a brunette woman, but not quite quick enough that our arms didn't touch.
"Sorry" I apologised, flashing a nonchalant smile as our eyes briefly met.

What could only have been a mere second, I swear, felt like the world stood still. The sound of the band faded away, and my pulse spiked as recognition and memories flooded through my body.

As dark brown eyes met with my own blue, heat rose through my body "Emily?"

Another second passed as the brunette studied my face, her own wave of recognition hitting. "Oh my god y/n".

It had been nearly 25 years since we had last been in each others company. Memories of that morning, even after all this time, still made my heart ache. The tears that slipped down both of our faces, and the feeling as Emily's slim pale fingers slipped through my own...

"It is you" I beamed as my senses returned, the smile growing wider on my lips. "Wow, it's really good to see you"

"You too" Emily replied, her own smile widening as she leaned in to gently embrace me. "I can't believe I've not seen you before now?"

"I just always assumed you avoided these types of things like the plague" I joked as I continued to study Emily's face.

I had thought that 18 year old Emily Prentiss had been beautiful, but the woman who stood before me was utterly stunning. With a floor length jade green dress, her dark hair pinned high, loose wisps framing her face, she honestly took my breath.

"Oh trust me I try, but my mother can be very persuasive... and there are only so many "work" emergencies I can have, especially over Christmas"

Laughing at her reply, the memories of how teenage Emily loathed having to show face, or put on a fake front for her mother's benefit crossed my mind.

"Hey, they aren't that bad... at least we're old enough to drink now, and we don't have to sneak off to our hidden stash"

"That's true, no nearly getting caught by Senator Halfpenny with a bottle of Vodka"

We both laughed at the shared memory, a moment passing between us, neither one of us speaking, we just simply took in the others presence.

So much time had passed, and seeing Emily tonight was the very last thing I expected, but all I knew was I didn't want her to move away, I was intoxicated by her, just as I had been as a teenager. It unnerved me, how feelings that I had buried long ago, fluttered low in my stomach.

I felt like I needed to internally remind myself that I was a straight talking, rationale... cough - forty something year old, that didn't get flustered when a pretty... okay gorgeous woman was stood in front of her. Maybe it was the alcohol that I'd had that made me feel like I could easily lose my control?

"Are you here with your husband?" Emily asked, gently gripping my upper arm, as we side stepped a small group of people heading in our direction.

Feeling the warmth of Emily's fingers on my bare skin, electric shot through my body.
"My Husband?" I asked confused?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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