Chpt 1- Powerless

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Kai's POV:
Staring at my paled scarred hands, body stiffened by multiple bandages restricting my manoeuvrability, slumped forward, sat comfortably on the bed, environment silenced, everyone else from the monastery already sent on missions.

"Just because they've regained their elemental powers doesn't mean I'm useless... I'm Kai, the Elemental-less Master Of Fire...well guess there's no point hiding the truth, I'm mundane,powerless and hopeless as a civilian..." fist clenched, digging into my thighs, teeth clenched, there was a sudden creak of a nearby door, finally someone arrived back from their mission.

Happily approaching my bedroom door, steadying to head out, greet them and ask how was their mission, an unfortunate turn of events unravelled right at that moment.

Reaching a hand for the door handle, excitement increasing, about to greet my fellow Ninja, before I knew anything, I'd unexpectedly collapsed to my knees, gasping harshly for air, chest tightening, vision blurry, that's strange, I was in perfect health until whoever arrived, why did this happen?

Lloyd's POV:
Tiredly heading for the Northern corridor, passing Kai's bedroom, not bothering to greet him, due to the overwhelming amount of fatigue I'm suffering, strangely there was a subtle "thud" before I'd noticed blood oozing from underneath the door.

Swiftly swinging open the door, greeted by a collapsed Kai, blood trickling down his lip, skin awfully pale, sympathy turned to annoyance.

"Why has HE collapsed?".
"Kai has done nothing all morning!"
"Should I help him?"

Kneeling lower, listening for any sign of life, Kai's breathing was extremely difficult to hear also it was very abnormal. Standing back up, contacting Zane immediately, I hate to have to disturb him durning his mission but this situation might turn out worse if not prevented.
Kai's POV:
Aggressively sitting straight up, breathing rapidly, bedroom in view, isolated, darkness, alone, where was everyone? What happened?

Shakily placing my left hand upon my forehead, trying to recall past memories, strange, everything had been blurred.

"Restricted to review my own memories? That can't be normal, argh" hunching forward, tightly gripping my stomach, struggling to breathe through my mouth or nose, why was I alone! Every time those ninja needed me or my assistance, I'd never left them once! So why...

Releasing my stomach, arms flopping back to my side, eyes watering, regaining the ability to breathe normally without complications, a silent "creak" forced me to glance at the room entrance, noticing a shadowed silhouette approach, a smile creeping on my face, expecting it to be the Ninja, I was wrong, instead they were my abductor.

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