Chpt 4- "Safe?"

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Kai's POV:
Tiredly resting my head sideways, entire body mentally restrained to the monastery courtyard concrete, surrounded by a pool of presumably my own blood, breathing harshly, unexpectedly shifting back to a human,unsure how I'd managed to get back here, moonlight disappearing, sunlight ready to greet our world, already?

"Oh did you hear Nya, Ninjago City has a festival today, shall we invite everyone and..." how strange, Cole didn't finish his sentence and before long two shadows towered over me, right, I must've been discovered.

"Geez Kai what happened? Are you okay?". Pupils dimmed in colour, nothing able to formulate to words, body sprawled out, gasping for air rapidly, chest tightened, muscles stiffened to the point of no manoeuvrability, tears began to swell, Tch, so that's possible but nothing necessary.

"Brother?... ZANE THERE IS AN EMERGENCY!" Subconsciously closing my eyes, unfortunately Cole noticed, forcing himself to kneel, he tried gently shaking my body, not activating a response, caused them both more panic.

"Kai stay with".
Nya? Anyone? Hello?

Inching forward, surrounded by a darkened void, red orbs radiating a small amount of light, engulfing the environment in a red colour, stepping more forward, nothing in sight for miles, pure darkness, where am I?

Before I knew it, a Tori gate appeared, directly in front of me. Instinctively nearing closer, body acting on its own, a voice, one not familiar to me, whispered out.

"Kai Jay Smith, head through the Tori gate, there, you'll be safe". Obeying, I swiftly walked forward, suddenly immersed in a dark watery space, coughing out bubbles, body stiffening,is this a trap? Have I made a mistake? Or was this a transition to the light?
Kai's POV:
Snapping awake aggressively, breathing rapidly, an abnormal cold radiating from my lower abdomen, glaring down, freshly clothed in...

"Seriously? Why did they dress me with the tournament of elemental masters outfit? Didn't we purposely get rid of them due to the pained memories?so why are they still here?".

Zane's POV:
Quietly entering Kai's room, an abnormal cold seeping through, last time I remember my elemental powers haven't been activated so what's causing such a cold front?

"Kai? I've brought you some medicinal soup, I'm sorry to have barged in". Silence, inching closer, approaching his bedside, Kai slumped forward, his face hidden by shadows, radiating a cold presence, as any one of us two exhaled, mist formed, signalling such a dangerously low temperature.

"Apologises Zane, I've lost my appetite, please excuse me and leave this room at once". Disobeying, gently putting the bowl on his bedside, stepping back, not leaving, something didn't feel right.

"I hate to intrude Kai but upon analysis of your body your heart rate is abnormal, no sign of injury, mental health status is at 20%, body fatigue at 5%, aura... darkened, is something amiss?". Hearing a subtle groan of annoyance, Kai angrily glared up at me, his unnatural pale skin visible, eye colour dimmed and he had blood trickling down his lip, how did that not show up on my scan?

"Look I'm in perfect health, don't worry about me, I simply need rest, is that alright with you?" Sadly nodding my head, swiftly leaving, ignoring the sudden warning,signalling that something within Kai had awakened.

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