Chpt 5- "Ninjago Festival"

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Kai's POV:
Staring at the lifeless silhouette of myself, in the wall mirror, having changed recently into my causal red hoodie with a kangaroo pocket,black jeans, a black short sleeve shirt underneath, with black and white shoes, prepared to leave my room.

Slowly creeping out the room, silencing every footstep, no one near, I wonder where they'd disappeared too?

Unexpectedly pausing, an unnerving sensation overwhelming me, two phantom Oni hands wrapping around the nape of my neck, forcing their claws through a layer of flesh, causing sudden paralysis.

"Kai they've all left for a winter festival, a few hours away from the monastery, giving you two choices, 1st run away, never to return, revoking your role as not only a ninja but also the Elemental of Fire, 2nd attend the festival, keeping a low profile, gain intel on their true intentions, choice is yours, I'm merely here to assist in case of an emergency".

"2nd choice and thank you onryō for protecting not only my pitiful self but for ensuring Lloyd didn't realise our secret, I'm extremely grateful". Hearing distant chuckling, onryō must be happy, when in doubt, he is the only one who is truly like family to me.
Lloyd's POV:
Lugging everyones multiple variety of prizes, I couldn't understand why Cole didn't get this job, he's The Elemental Of Earth after all.

"Lloyd look!" Glancing up, an enormous roller coster visible, gawking in amazement, its structure truly spectacular.

Unexpectedly Cole snatched all items in my arms, nudging me toward the roller coster, smiling brightly , everyone looked happy, however, we left Kai behind, that small thought brought lingering darkness to the back of my mind, every passing second, wondering if he'd ever forgive us and the possibility he might've been abducted again, worried me greatly.
Zane's POV:
Strangely feeling Kai's presence, it didn't connect to his original heat signature, something definitely was amiss.

Walking toward the direction pin pointed on a digital map, everyone else oblivious, my concern increasing, I couldn't understand a sudden shift in atmosphere.

Kai's POV:
Face shadowed, hands comfortably resting in my kangaroo pocket, head lowered, surrounded by irritating individuals, the ninja presence too close for comfort, one of them began approaching me directly.

"HEY KAI! OVER HERE!". Swiftly turning around, using the overwhelming crowd as a stealth tactic, disappearing, Zane's calls out fading.

Cole's POV:
Corner of my eye, Zane ran off toward an unknown direction, he's been acting stranger than usual, should I shadow him? Is that a smart decision?

Shaking my head, no, better stay with the group, Zane I only hope you know what you're doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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