Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

The first light of dawn crept through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the living room where Y/N had spent the night. Stirring from his sleep, he decided to start his first full day with QUEENDOM on a positive note. With a quiet determination, he made his way to the kitchen, intent on preparing breakfast for the eighteen members of the house.

The kitchen, vast and better equipped than he had expected, offered Y/N all he needed. He found himself moving with a sense of purpose, chopping, stirring, and flipping with the ease of a seasoned chef. The menu was simple yet hearty: fluffy pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit salad, accompanied by the rich aroma of brewing coffee.

As the scent of breakfast filled the air, IU emerged from her room, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Surprised to find Y/N at the stove, she leaned against the doorway, watching him.

IU – "Morning, oppa. I didn't expect to see you up and cooking. I usually handle breakfast."

Y/N – "Good morning, Ji-eun. I thought I'd do something nice for everyone. Hope that's okay."

IU smiled, touched by his gesture. "It's more than okay. Thank you, Y/N."

One by one, the members of QUEENDOM were lured to the kitchen by the smell of breakfast. Their expressions of surprise and curiosity mirrored IU's as they gathered around the dining table.

Wendy – "Wow, oppa, this looks amazing! Are you sure you're not a chef pretending to be a manager?"

Y/N chuckled, serving the last of the pancakes. "I'm pretty sure. Just picked up a few skills here and there."

As they ate, the atmosphere was filled with lively chatter and laughter, a stark contrast to the silence of the previous night. The girls showered Y/N with compliments, half-jokingly questioning why he hadn't pursued a career in culinary arts.

Jisoo – "Seriously, Y/N, this is delicious. You sure you don't have a hidden Michelin star somewhere?"

Y/N – "Thanks, but I think managing will be challenging enough for me."

The morning passed quickly, and soon the temporary manager, Mr. Kim, arrived. Taeyeon took the lead in introducing Y/N and explaining the unexpected turn of events that led to his presence and the possibility of him becoming their full-time manager.

Mr. Kim's reaction was surprisingly positive. "That's fantastic news! Y/N, welcome aboard. I believe you'll make a great addition to the team."

Later, Mr. Kim pulled Y/N aside for a private conversation. With a sigh of relief, he confessed, "I'm actually glad you're here. To be honest, managing wasn't really for me, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving the girls without someone. They're like family, honestly."

Y/N nodded, understanding the weight of the responsibility he was about to take on. "I'll do my best not to let them—or you—down."

In the afternoon, Y/N was escorted to Starlight Entertainment's headquarters for an interview with CEO Lee Youngsoo. The office was sleek and modern, with the walls adorned with posters of the company's successful acts. Mr. Lee greeted Y/N warmly, intrigued by the story of his unexpected arrival and connection with QUEENDOM.

After a detailed discussion about Y/N's background, his views on leadership, and his aspirations for the group, Mr. Lee leaned back, impressed.

Lee Youngsoo – "It's rare to find someone who clicks with the team so quickly. Your lack of experience in the industry does concern me I will admit, but I'm willing to take a chance on you. You've already shown a remarkable bond with the girls, and that's crucial for their success."

Y/N – "Thank you, Mr. Lee. I promise I won't let you down."

Returning to the dorm, Y/N was greeted by an anxious group of girls waiting for news. When he shared Mr. Lee's decision to hire him, the dorm erupted into cheers and hugs, the air filled with ecstatic relief and excitement.

Taeyeon – "We did it, girls! Y/N is officially our manager!"

IU – "This is the best news. Welcome to QUEENDOM, Y/N-oppa."

As the day wound down, Y/N reflected on the whirlwind of events that had led him here. From a chance encounter in a grocery store to becoming the manager of a soon-to-debut K-pop supergroup, it was a testament to the unpredictability of life and the magic of new beginnings.

Yuna, the last to say goodnight, echoed the sentiment of the entire group.

Yuna – "Oppa, we're really glad you're here. Goodnight."

With a sense of belonging and purpose, Y/N knew he was exactly where he was meant to be. As he settled down for the night, his thoughts were not of doubt or worry, but of anticipation for the journey ahead with QUEENDOM.

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