Chapter 5

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Note: you might notice that the next 2-3 chapters are similar to the UMG story. It's because they are, and I didn't really know how what else to really write, so I apologize. Enjoy!

Chapter 5:

The night sky over Seoul was a canvas of turmoil, painted with streaks of lightning and the rumble of thunder echoing through the city. Y/N lay awake in his apartment, a sense of unease preventing him from finding the solace of sleep. His thoughts were with the girls of QUEENDOM, particularly how they were faring in the severe storm. Despite the late hour, his concern gnawed at him, an instinctual need to ensure their safety keeping him on edge.

His phone rang, shattering the silence of his apartment and confirming his fears. The caller ID displayed IU's name, and he answered immediately, his voice laced with worry.

Y/N – "Ji-eun? Is everything okay?"

IU's voice came through, strained and anxious.

IU – "Y/N-oppa, it's Wonyoung. She's terrified of thunderstorms, and it's really bad this time. She's shaking and crying, and nothing we do seems to help. We didn't know who else to call..."

Y/N felt a pang of concern for Wonyoung, the youngest member of QUEENDOM, who had always shown such resilience.

Y/N – "Have you tried playing music to drown out the thunder, or maybe creating a 'safe space' with blankets and pillows?"

IU – "Yes, we've tried everything. It's just not working. She keeps asking for you."

Y/N knew then what he had to do. The storm outside mirrored his own turmoil as he made a decision.

Y/N – "I'm coming over. Just... try to keep her calm until I get there."

Braving the storm, Y/N made his way to the dorm, the journey a blur of wind, rain, and his own racing heart. Upon arrival, he was greeted by a somber scene of the members huddled together, their faces etched with concern. Wonyoung was visibly distraught, her small frame trembling uncontrollably.

Without hesitation, Y/N approached Wonyoung, kneeling down to her level.

Y/N – "Wonyoung, it's okay. I'm here now. You're safe."

At the sound of his voice, Wonyoung's eyes flickered with recognition through her tears. In a movement driven by pure instinct, she clambered into his arms, seeking refuge from her fears. Y/N wrapped her securely in his embrace, a protective gesture that seemed to offer the comfort she so desperately needed.

As he held her, Y/N whispered reassurances, his voice a steady presence amidst the chaos of the storm. Slowly, Wonyoung's sobs subsided, her grip relaxing as she found solace in his arms.

Y/N – "The storm can't hurt you, Wonyoung. I've got you. We're all here with you."

Gradually, the tempest outside began to wane, its ferocity giving way to a gentle patter of rain against the windows. The calming rhythm seemed to echo Y/N's assurances, a lullaby that soothed the fraught nerves of everyone present.

In the aftermath, as Wonyoung's fear dissipated, a sense of unity enveloped the group. They gathered around, blankets and warm drinks in hand, finding comfort in each other's presence. Y/N remained with Wonyoung, a silent guardian against the remnants of her fear.


The morning after the storm, the QUEENDOM dormitory was bathed in a soft, serene light, a stark contrast to the previous night's chaos. The air held a tangible awkwardness, a residue of the vulnerability that had been exposed. Y/N, having stayed the night to ensure everyone was alright, found himself navigating this delicate atmosphere, keenly aware of the eyes that followed him, full of gratitude and a newfound respect.

Wonyoung, her usual vibrant self now tinged with a bashful demeanor, approached Y/N first. The memory of the night before lingered between them, a shared experience that had deepened their bond.

Wonyoung – "Y/N-oppa, um, about last night... Thank you. I was really scared, and you... you made me feel safe. I don't think I said it enough—thank you."

Y/N offered her a warm, reassuring smile, the kind that eased worries and mended spirits.

Y/N – "Wonyoung, there's no need to thank me. I'm here for all of you, no matter what. I'm just glad I could help."

Their exchange was a balm to the awkwardness, dissolving it with the sincerity of their words. The other members, witnessing the interaction, felt a collective sense of relief and appreciation, the events of the night solidifying their trust in Y/N as not just a manager, but a protector, a friend.

The mood was lightening when a message arrived from the company, delivered by a group chat notification that chimed simultaneously on their phones. The girls gathered around as IU read out loud.

Taeyeon – "Due to the storm last night, there's been a power outage at the company. Repairs are underway, but it means we have the day off until everything's back to normal."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the group, the unexpected day off presenting a rare opportunity for relaxation and respite from their grueling schedule.

Kazuha – "A day off? That's... actually amazing. What should we do?"

The question hung in the air, a canvas awaiting their collective creativity. Suggestions began to flow, ranging from a movie marathon to an impromptu indoor picnic, each idea reflecting their desire to make the most of their unexpected freedom.

Y/N, observing their enthusiasm, felt a surge of happiness for them. He recognized the importance of these moments, the simple joys that grounded them amidst the whirlwind of their careers.

Y/N – "How about we do a little bit of everything? A movie marathon, some games, and I can whip up something special for lunch. How does that sound?"

The response was an immediate and resounding agreement, the members' faces lighting up with anticipation. The day unfolded with laughter and leisure, a much-needed interlude that strengthened their bonds. They lounged in their pajamas, watched movies that ranged from tearjerkers to comedies, and played board games with a competitive spirit that was both fierce and friendly.

As Y/N prepared lunch, the aroma of cooking filled the dorm, drawing the members to the kitchen with curious and hungry eyes. The meal was a simple affair, but it was made with care, and the girls savored each bite, their appreciation evident in their smiles and compliments.

The day off, a gift from the aftermath of the storm, allowed them to recharge and revel in each other's company without the pressure of schedules and expectations. It was a reminder of the importance of taking a step back, of cherishing the moments of calm in their otherwise hectic lives.

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