Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

The morning light filtered through the windows of the Starlight Entertainment building, casting a golden hue over the bustling interior. Y/N, having been summoned by Mr. Lee, the owner of Starlight, navigated the corridors with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. The request for a meeting had come without explanation, leaving Y/N to wonder about its purpose.

Upon entering Mr. Lee's office, Y/N was greeted with a warm smile, an immediate ease settling over him.

Mr. Lee – "Y/N, please, have a seat. I hope you're doing well."

Y/N nodded, taking the offered seat, his curiosity piqued.

Y/N – "I am, thank you. What did you want to talk about?"

Mr. Lee leaned forward, his expression serious but kind.

Mr. Lee – "I wanted to discuss something important with you. It's come to my attention, the incident during the storm and how you comforted Wonyoung. Your actions went above and beyond what anyone could expect, and it's clear you have a positive impact on the girls."

Y/N shifted uncomfortably, not used to being praised for simply acting on his instincts and care for the girls.

Y/N – "Thank you, sir, but I was just doing what felt right. The girls are like family to me."

Mr. Lee nodded, his gaze thoughtful.

Mr. Lee – "That's exactly why I'm proposing something a bit unconventional. I'd like you to consider moving into the dorm with the girls. Having you there would provide them with a sense of safety and comfort, something that's become even more evident after the storm. They trust and love you, almost like a father figure."

Y/N was taken aback, the suggestion far from anything he had anticipated. Concerns about boundaries and the girls' comfort immediately filled his mind.

Y/N – "I appreciate the sentiment, Mr. Lee, but I'm not sure that's appropriate. I wouldn't want to invade their space or make them feel uncomfortable."

Mr. Lee, anticipating Y/N's concerns, offered a reassuring smile.

Mr. Lee – "I understand your hesitation, and I wouldn't have suggested it if I hadn't already spoken with the girls. They were unanimous in their agreement. They feel safer and more at ease with the idea of you being there, especially after what happened. It seems they see you in the same light, as a protector, a stabilizing presence."

The revelation that the girls had already been consulted and had agreed unanimously took Y/N by surprise. His primary concern had been their comfort and privacy, and knowing they were on board shifted his perspective.

Y/N – "If the girls are genuinely okay with it, and it's for their well-being, then... I'll do it. I just want what's best for them."

Mr. Lee's face brightened, pleased with Y/N's decision.

Mr. Lee – "Excellent. I believe this will be beneficial for everyone involved. We'll make all the necessary arrangements to ensure you have your own space, respecting everyone's privacy and comfort."

The meeting concluded with a few more details about the arrangement, but Y/N's mind was already elsewhere, processing the change. As he left Mr. Lee's office, he felt a mixture of emotions—responsibility, concern, but also a deep-seated resolve to be there for the girls in whatever capacity they needed.

The girls' unanimous agreement to his moving in spoke volumes of their trust in him, a trust he was determined not to betray. Y/N knew the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but with the bond they shared, he believed they could navigate anything together. Moving into the dorm wasn't just about being physically present; it was a commitment to being a constant, supportive figure in their lives, a role he accepted with humility and determination.

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