First spotting

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November 12th, 1934.
It's a chilly autumn evening, Vic decided to take a walk to clear his mind a bit. He stumbles upon an abandoned graveyard and decides to look around a bit.

A thick fog covers the landscape, the leafless trees looking almost pitch black. The sound of leaves and twigs cracking under his feet and the wind fills his ears. That's when he hears it..

It's like he hears another heartbeat than his own, the sound of claws on cobblestone..

"Hello?" he calls out, trying to follow the sound, but the fog is too thick to see more than 10 meters in front of him.

The sound stops suddenly, nothing else to be heard except the same things as before. Just leaves, twigs and the wind..

"Who's there? Show yourself!" He says loudly, taking a step forward.
That's when he sees it, the so called she-wolf.. she's on a branch, wearing a black, hooded cloak which covers most of her features except for her face and hands. Her eyes give off a faint glow, a low, quiet growl can be heard from her.

"well wont you look at that, if it isn't the she-wolf herself.." Vic says to himself, slowly walking towards her and making no sudden movements.
She gets into a position which makes it look like she's about to jump down and attack him, but Vic just puts his hands up slowly as she keeps approaching her.

"Calm down, I'm not going to harm you." He says gently, stopping a few meters in front of the branch.

The she-wolfs expression softens slightly as she sits down on the branch, her eyes narrowing slightly.
"Leave.." she mutters, her voice quiet, haunting. It's like it echoes through his mind.

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