Chapter 9

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"With nothing but dried grass, leaves, and a flint, you sparked me into existence. When my flame was dying, you fed it firewood. When the wind blew too hard, you shielded me. When you leave, you bring me with you on a stick.

So when you're cold, should you wish, I would burn even the world for your warmth."


The alarm blared out, stopping abruptly when Arthas turned it off with a smack on the top. His eyelids sluggishly fluttered open, glaring at the ceiling followed with a yawn. He sat up, his bed creaking as he did. He just sat there for awhile, getting his bearings before finally getting off the bed and standing up.

He first did his morning stretches, earning some satisfying pops here and there. After doing so, he went outside his room and stopped outside Asia's. He quietly opened the door, peeking inside to see her still sleeping soundly on her new bed.

He smiled and decided to let her sleep some more. He slowly closed the door, making sure not to make too much noise that would wake her up.

Arthas went downstairs, drank some water, ate a banana, and went outside the house. He didn't bother locking the door as he did, now that he has quite the security detail in the form of his new undead troops. While most of them were sent on an errand related to Kel'Thuzad yesterday, some remained to guard his house.

Arthas jogged in the morning almost everyday, around 5:30 AM. It was the time where the sun was just climbing up the horizon, and the air was still chilly and cold. He stopped by the nearby to rest for a bit. He drank some fresh water from a fountain and sat on a bench afterwards.

He took a deep breath, feeling the cold morning air in his nostrils as it passes through.

"What a nice morning." He said to himself as he admired his surroundings. Kuoh was a town, not a bustling city. And he liked it. It was humble and peaceful. 

He remembered the days, back in his homeland, where he used to ride his horse every morning. Every day. His trusted companion, Invincible, was... special to him. He remembered the day he first saw the horse when it was young like him. He remembered the wind coursing through his hair as they both raced across Lordaeron.

And he remembered how Invincible died. He remembers how he had to end his companion's misery. 

It was his fault.

A deep sigh escapes his lips, his eyes felt moist, and a lump was forming in his throat. 

He shook his head, not wanting to dwell on the past. There was still much to do. Arthas stood up and jogged back home. Once there, he started cooking breakfast for him and Asia. Pancakes. 

A few hours later, the duo was already on their way to school, much earlier than usual. Rias wanted to host a club meeting in the morning before classes, hence why they were early. And though Asia isn't a Devil, she was still part of the club. 

"Yo! Arthas! Asia!" The two turned their heads to the source of the voice, seeing a familiar brunette. It was Issei. "Didn't think we'd meet up on the way."

"Issei, good morning!" Asia greeted brightly with a wide smile, while Arthas offered a smaller one. "Morning Issei."

Now, the duo became a trio. The three of them talked about random topics that came to mind, though it was mainly Issei asking how Asia was doing and how she liked her new life. Asia was of course happy now that she has a home and a lot of friends that support her. Even having a sort of brotherly relationship with Arthas.

The sister couldn't ask for more.

Then the trio arrived at the ORC room, it was only Rias who sat on the sofa elegantly drinking green tea. "Ah, you three are here at the same time, what a surprise. Good morning."

"Good morning Buchou." The three of them said in unison, with a big of lag. They all couldn't help but chuckle at it. 

"So Asia how are you settling in?" Rias asked as they all took a seat on the sofas. The two foreigners sitting on the opposite sofa, while Issei sat next to Rias.

"Its been great, Arthas has been too kind." Asia replied with her ever present kind smile. "Learning Japanese is quite the hurdle though..." 

Rias couldn't help but giggle at how adorable the girl was. "Well it can't be helped. Unless you want to cheat it by reincarnating as a Devil, you'll just have to persevere. But don't be afraid to ask for help, I'm sure you have your new friends to come to your aid."

Asia only nodded.

"So Buchou I've been meaning to ask something." Issei spoke up, garnering the attention of everyone now. "So since the whole Peerage thing is based on chess, does that mean there can be like, 7 other pawns like me one day?"

Rias shakes her head. "Nope. You're my only Pawn, Ise."


Arthas was also confused at the statement. Until he realized what that meant. "Wait... you're telling me you used THAT much for him?" he asked, clearly in shock. 

"Wait what? What do you mean?" The brunette in the room was confused even more now. 

"While an [Evil Piece] is needed to reincarnate someone into a Devil, sometimes it can take more than one piece depending on the person's abilities or power. I believe potential is also taken into account." Rias answered, causing Issei to look a bit down realizing that it was a more practical reason and less of a confession of Rias only wanting Issei as her pawn.

"There's a saying like this in the world of chess. Queens have a value of 9 Pawns. Rooks have a value of 5 Pawns. Knights and Bishops have a value of 3 Pawns each. Like this, there are standard values that also apply to the Evil Pieces. A similar phenomenon happens to those reincarnated. If there are those who can only be reincarnated with 2 Knight pieces, then there are also those who need 2 Rook pieces to be reincarnated. There's also the compatibility with the pieces as well. You can't use 2 separate Pieces to give them different roles, so it's important to think how to use the pieces. Once you use it, Devils won't be given a new [Evil Piece]."

Rias just dumped quite the info on him.

"Okay... wait, does that mean I'm?—"

"Yes Ise. You were worth 8 [Pawn] pieces. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to reincarnate you into a Devil that fateful night."

Issei looked a lot happier now, realizing that little old him was worth 8 Pawns. He smirked in Arthas' direction, who only returned it with a  smirk too, along with a raised eyebrow. 

"[Mutated Knight] by the way." 

Issei was both shocked and mainly confused. "Huh? Mutated?" He turned to Rias. "Buchou is that a good thing?"

The redhead beauty giggled. "Yes. Mutated Pieces are, suffice to say, a stronger [Evil Piece] and are very rare. Only 1 out 10 High-Class Devils like me has one. I was quite lucky to have two actually. Similar to you, if it weren't for the [Mutated Knight] piece I had, I wouldn't have been able to reincarnate Arthas into a Devil."

Issei deflates a bit, causing Arthas to chuckle while Asia went over to pat the brunette on the back. "There there Issei, that still means you're strong!"


"Our matching is also great since its crimson and red, "Crimson-Hair Ruin-Princess" and [Boosted Gear]. Ise, first of all, aim to become the strongest [Pawn]. If it's you, you can definitely do it. After all, you are my adorable servant."

Hearing that definitely made the boy feel all giddy and happy inside. Hell, you can even see it on his face.

Rias leans closer to his face, causing Issei to blush tomato red. While Asia stood back a little in shock, thinking she was about to kiss him. Arthas just watched, feeling awkward and thinking of just walking out of the room.

Instead he just zoned out.

Seeing Issei and Rias so close like that. It reminded him of someone.

A memory flashes in his mind. Of him lying on the grass with someone. A beautiful girl with blonde hair, who smiled sweetly at him. 

He missed her. But she probably hates him now. 
'Whatever love she held for me has most likely turned into hatred and disgust by now.' The Death Knight thought. Many times have he fantasizde about running back to the people of his past. His family, his mentor... to her. 

But it always ends up with him being reminded that he could never come back. They would never welcome him back. 

This was his life now. And to be honest? He didn't hate it. Not one bit. He looked at the three in front of him. Asia was pouting, looking all jealous. Arthas wasn't sure what happened but Rias definitely did something to make the sister all jealous.

He couldn't help but smile fondly. 

Shortly after, three more peerage members came into the room. Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno.

"Ara ara~ What's gotten you smiling about, Arthas?" The latter of the three asked, causing all attention to shift towards the Death Knight now. His smile didn't falter one bit. If anything, it grew a bit wider.

"Nothing. Just happy that I met you guys is all." 

"Awww aren't you just sweet?" The ravenette sat down on the sofa right next to Arthas.

"Haha glad to know you're so fond of us then." Kiba said with a smile, happy to know that his fellow Knight was happy being in the peerage. Really made it feel like a family. They all felt like it was one.

Family doesn't have to be bound by blood.

"Damn. Didn't know you could be so sappy." Koneko said in her usual monotone voice, yet sported a small smile, indicating she was happy to hear it as well.
The other three in the room was also smiling. It was a wholesome moment for everyone.

Even more when Akeno brought out a cake as a means of celebration.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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