six: date

98 3 2

Michael's POV

I waited for my girlfriend, Amy, outside of her house, so we could go on a date.

We haven't been able to go out much because I haven't been doing well since Luna's death, but now that I'm better I decided to take my girl out.

"Hey" she smiled as she walked out of her house and wrapped me in a hug.

"Hi sweetheart" I smiled back and hugged her tightly.

"You're stunning" I said while looking at her, she smiled and twirled around, showing off her white dress.

"How are you feeling?" She asked while cupping my cheek and brushing her thumb on my lips.

I sighed and nuzzled my cheek in her hand "I still miss her, but I think I've been grieving okay.."

"No anger issues?" She asked quietly.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her waist "I punched a wall yesterday..I forgot my meds, I'm sorry" I teared up.

"Baby, it's okay, I'll help you, I promise" she quickly said while hugging me tighter.

I nodded and buried my face in her neck "I love you so much, love" I whispered "I love you too, babe" she whispered back.
I took her out to her favorite restaurant and then we walked in the park.

We sat down and cuddled into each other "Baby?" I mumbled while twirling her hair in my fingers.

She hummed in reply.

"I got you something, wanna see?" I smiled when I saw a bright smile appear on her face.

"Really? You didn't have to!!"

I giggled and pulled out a box, I nudged her to open it.

When she opened it she gasped and looked at me "Those are connected bracelets, so whenever you need me or just need my comfort, you press here" I showed her "And my own bracelet will vibrate" I smiled.

She beamed with happiness and pulled me in a soft sweet kiss.

When we pulled away I gently put it on her wrist and put on mine as well.

"Wanna try it out?" I asked and she nodded eagerly.

She pressed the center of her bracelet and I suddenly felt my bracelet vibrate.

"Wow" she breathed out while putting her head on my shoulder.

"That way, when you need me, I'll know and I'll be there for you" I whispered softly.

I didn't want to loose someone else.

"Do you wanna stay over tonight?" She asked while looking up at me.

I kissed her nose and nodded "Just let me tell my brothers first" I grabbed my phone and texted the group-chat we had.

My eyes accidentally land on Luna's contact.

I went to text her but then remembered..I swallowed the lump in my throat and shut my eyes.

"Honey? You okay?" Amy asked worriedly as she took my face in her hands.

I opened my eyes and let out a shaky breath, I put my hands on hers "Yeah..sorry, I just saw my sister's contact and..I don't know.." I mumbled.

Her eyes softened and she hugged me tightly "I'm so so sorry" she whispered.
My brothers all agreed so now i was at Amy's.

I had just put on my sweatpants when Amy hugged me from behind.

I turned around and engulfed her in a bear hug.

She giggled when I tickled her tummy, she was wearing a crop top and we had matching sweatpants.

"C'mon, let's get your little body to bed" I teased her and she flipped me off.

We got in her bed and she immediately cuddled in my chest, I kissed her head and held her close.

"Mikey" she mumbled, her voice sleepy, I could tell she was about to fall asleep.

"Yes, love?" I replied while playing with her hair.

"I lovvvvve you, you're so warm too" she mumbled while closing her eyes.

I chuckled warmly and kissed her temple "Sweet dreams, hun" I whispered before closing my eyes as well.


OUR LITTLE SISTER | by lvxmityWhere stories live. Discover now