twentythree: numb

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Luna's POV

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't see or hear.

All I did was cry and whimper on the bathroom floor.

I barely heard my brothers' and boyfriend's bangs on the door.

I had relapsed, badly, and they caught me, so I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in.

I f#cked up and I knew it.

I just didn't want to face the consequences.

I could hear Michael yelling "Luna, we've talked about this! You need help, and the first step is stopping this!"

"Go away" I yelled, my voice breaking.

Then slowly, the door was opened.

Of course, they managed to pick the lock.

Stupid me.

I hoped that they wouldn't all come in at once, and thankful only Alex came in.

"Hello mi amor" he said quietly, yet softly.

"Can I come closer?" He asked for permission and I nodded slightly.

" about we calm you down and get Noah in here so he can patch you up? Sound good?"

I nodded my head, too tired to speak.

I let myself slump against him, holding onto him for dear life.

"Shh..that's it, love. Calm down.." he mumbled as he stroked my hair back, which relaxed me.

I heard him faintly whisper, probably telling Noah to come in since I saw him slowly step in with a first aid kit.

"Hey there kiddo.." he sighed as he knelt down in front of me, where I sat cradled in Alex's arms.

"Pinch my hand if I hurt you in any way, mhm?" Noah said gently before treating my wounds.

I honestly didn't feel the pain.

That's what scared me.

I wanted to feel pain, I wanted to feel something, I was so tired of being a numb rag doll..

Before I knew it I was lifted into Alex's arms and brought back to bed, where he cuddled me close.

"You're gonna be okay" I heard him whisper, I squeezed his hand and closed my eyes.

I hoped that the day after would be better..


OUR LITTLE SISTER | by lvxmityWhere stories live. Discover now